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刑无刀 (2022-08-26 19:19):
#paper Master Thesis,Business information technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science University Twente May 2016 , Applying Intelligence Amplification in Decision Making Intelligence Amplification (IA,智力放大)最早是由Ashby在Introduction of Cybernetics中提出的一个概念,是研究如何用人工智能(AI)去提升人类智能的,类似概念也有Augmented Intelligence。本篇论文作者比较系统的研究了这一概念用于决策系统中。本文主要由三部分构成:首先较为系统的综述了这一领域的文献现状,也顺便说清楚了IA系统中人(Human)和智能体(Agent)的关系,第二部分详细描述了一个IA决策系统的框架及基本元素,最后介绍了如何评估这个系统,并评估了自己的方案。遗憾的是我才读一半,还没看到如何评估来。
This thesis proposes an intelligence amplification (IA) framework to apply IA in decision making. With this IA framework, IA is applied to solve planning problems of synchromodal transport in the … >>>
This thesis proposes an intelligence amplification (IA) framework to apply IA in decision making. With this IA framework, IA is applied to solve planning problems of synchromodal transport in the simulated environment. Through the case study, the proposed IA framework shows its effectiveness in solving the task assignment to achieve the human-intelligent agent collaboration. Besides, this thesis proves IA's benefits in improving decision and shows that humans' decision making performance is enhanced by IA. <<<