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林海onrush (2024-06-01 00:00):
#paper, QNLP in Practice: Running Compositional Models of Meaning on a Quantum Computer, https://doi.org/10.1613/jair.1.14329,关于在量子硬件上设计和实现自然语言处理(NLP)模型的研究.量子自然语言处理(QNLP)旨在开发专门为在量子硬件上运行的NLP模型。本文展示了在中等规模噪声量子计算机(NISQ)上运行的首批NLP实验,处理超过100个句子的数据集。研究的目标不是展示量子对经典NLP任务的优势,而是探索在量子硬件上运行NLP模型的过程,并为AI和NLP研究社区提供详细说明。研究发现所有模型在模拟和实际量子硬件运行中均能平稳收敛,且结果符合预期。实验结果还显示了模型的句法敏感度与任务之间的关联,例如,在某些任务中仅需简单的单词检查即可正确分类,而在另一些任务中,句法结构的重要性则更高。研究发现所有模型在模拟和实际量子硬件运行中均能平稳收敛,且结果符合预期。实验结果还显示了模型的句法敏感度与任务之间的关联,例如,在某些任务中仅需简单的单词检查即可正确分类,而在另一些任务中,句法结构的重要性则更高。
Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP) deals with the design and implementation of NLP models intended to be run on quantum hardware. In this paper, we present results on the first … >>>
Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP) deals with the design and implementation of NLP models intended to be run on quantum hardware. In this paper, we present results on the first NLP experiments conducted on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers for datasets of size greater than 100 sentences. Exploiting the formal similarity of the compositional model of meaning by Coecke, Sadrzadeh, and Clark (2010) with quantum theory, we create representations for sentences that have a natural mapping to quantum circuits. We use these representations to implement and successfully train NLP models that solve simple sentence classification tasks on quantum hardware. We conduct quantum simulations that compare the syntax-sensitive model of Coecke et al. with two baselines that use less or no syntax; specifically, we implement the quantum analogues of a “bag-of-words” model, where syntax is not taken into account at all, and of a word-sequence model, where only word order is respected. We demonstrate that all models converge smoothly both in simulations and when run on quantum hardware, and that the results are the expected ones based on the nature of the tasks and the datasets used. Another important goal of this paper is to describe in a way accessible to AI and NLP researchers the main principles, process and challenges of experiments on quantum hardware. Our aim in doing this is to take the first small steps in this unexplored research territory and pave the way for practical Quantum Natural Language Processing. <<<