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林海onrush (2022-12-31 23:26):
#paper,A Data-driven Sequential Localization Framework for Big Telco Data,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(2021),DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2019.2961657 通讯基础设施的迅速发展带来了巨大的MR数据的累积。这些数据被移动物体生成,当连接到数据服务时被存储。地图标记或局部化这样的MR数据被认为对通讯和交通网络优化有很大的影响。为了在学习过程中处理数据密集型工作负载,华为诺亚团队使用物化视图以实现高效的在线本地化和轻量级索引技术用于周期性参数调优,以提高效率和可扩展性。真实数据的结果表明,与最先进的解决方案相比,该解决方案将中位数定位误差提高了 58.8%。 重点勾画:文章简要介绍了隐马尔可夫模型(HMM),该模型捕获了两种类型的随机过程之间的联系:未观察到的状态转换过程和由每个未观察到状态的可观察变量组成的观察过程。首先进行了几个实验来验证以下问题:机器学习单点定位模型的有效性,排放和转移概率解决方案的有效性,以及顺序定位系统与最新基线相比的性能。设计实验来展示提出的索引技术的效率,以及参数调整对系统性能的影响。提出了一个数据驱动的框架,用于电信数据的顺序定位,并配备了一套全面的机器学习和数据管理技术。与最新的序列定位方法相比,作者提出的框架在中值误差方面实现了58.8%的改进,使解决方案在准确性和可采用性方面具有优势;提出了有效的数据访问和索引方法,以支持学习过程中涉及的数据密集型计算。
The proliferation of telco networks and mobile terminals brings the accumulation of tremendous amounts of measure report(MR) data at a rapid pace. The MR data is generated by mobile objects … >>>
The proliferation of telco networks and mobile terminals brings the accumulation of tremendous amounts of measure report(MR) data at a rapid pace. The MR data is generated by mobile objects while connecting to data services and is stored in backend data centers. To geo-tag or localize such MR data is believed to have a profound effect on the analytics and optimizations of telco and traffic networks. However, MR records are of noisy and partial observations regarding to mobile objects' geo-locations and hence pose challenges to accurate telco data localization. There have been quite a few attempts. Single-point localization methods map a MR record to a location, but come out with limited accuracies due to the ignorance of spatiotemporal coherence of successive MR records. Recent efforts on sequential localization techniques alleviate this by mapping a sequence of MR records to a trajectory. However, existing solutions are often with assumptions on specific models, e.g., mobility and signal strength distributions, or priori knowledge on topology space, e.g., road networks, limiting the deployment in practice. To this end, we propose a data-driven framework to tackle the challenges in sequential telco localization. We solely use raw MR records and a public third-party GPS dataset for the learning of the correlations between mobile objects' locations and MR records, requiring no model assumptions and priori knowledge. To handle the data-intensive workloads during the learning process, we use materialized views for efficient online localization and light-weighted indexing techniques for periodical parameters tuning, in order to improve the efficiency and scalability. Results on real data show that our solution achieves 58.8 percent improvement in median localization errors compared with state-of-art sequential localization techniques that require hypothesis models and priori knowledge, making our solution superior in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and employability. <<<