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masion (2022-05-26 10:30):
#paper doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.574771 Front. Microbiol.,  11:574771.Production of Neoagaro-Oligosaccharides With Various Degrees of Polymerization by Using a Truncated Marine Agarase. 推荐理由:来源于海洋红藻的琼胶大分子多糖,可以被降解为小分子的寡糖,后者具有抗癌、抗炎、美白、益生元等重要的生物活性。化学降解过程中会产生大量含酸废水,相较而言,生物酶解法更加高效、稳定且环境友好。因此,生物酶解法在新琼寡糖制备产业有着重要的应用价值。但是,生物酶解法只能获得1-3种聚合度的新琼寡糖,且聚合度较低(<6),限制了生物法的应用。 该研究利用基因截短方法,删除了野生型琼胶酶AgaM1碳端的60个氨基酸,通过大肠杆菌异源表达该截短的琼胶酶基因,可以一次性同时产生聚合度在4-12的新琼寡糖,大大提高了酶解法产物的聚合度与多样性,且可以把酶产量提高了842倍,进一步降低了多种聚合度新琼寡糖的生产成本。
Bioactivities, such as freshness maintenance, whitening, and prebiotics, of marine neoagaro-oligosaccharides (NAOS) with 4-12 degrees of polymerization (DPs) have been proven. However, NAOS produced by most marine β-agarases always possess … >>>
Bioactivities, such as freshness maintenance, whitening, and prebiotics, of marine neoagaro-oligosaccharides (NAOS) with 4-12 degrees of polymerization (DPs) have been proven. However, NAOS produced by most marine β-agarases always possess low DPs (≤6) and limited categories; thus, a strategy that can efficiently produce NAOS especially with various DPs ≥8 must be developed. In this study, 60 amino acid residues with no functional annotation result were removed from the C-terminal of agarase AgaM1, and truncated recombinant AgaM1 (trAgaM1) was found to have the ability to produce NAOS with various DPs (4-12) under certain conditions. The catalytic efficiency and stability of trAgaM1 were obviously lower than the wild type (rAgaM1), which probably endowed trAgaM1 with the ability to produce NAOS with various DPs. The optimum conditions for various NAOS production included mixing 1% agarose (w/v) with 10.26 U/ml trAgaM1 and incubating the mixture at 50°C in deionized water for 100 min. This strategy produced neoagarotetraose (NA4), neoagarohexaose (NA6), neoagarooctaose (NA8), neoagarodecaose (NA10), and neoagarododecaose (NA12) at final concentrations of 0.15, 1.53, 1.53, 3.02, and 3.02 g/L, respectively. The NAOS served as end-products of the reaction. The conditions for trAgaM1 expression in a shake flask and 5 L fermentation tank were optimized, and the yields of trAgaM1 increased by 56- and 842-fold compared with those before optimization, respectively. This study provides numerous substrate sources for production and activity tests of NAOS with high DPs and offers a foundation for large-scale production of NAOS with various DPs at a low cost. <<<