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颜林林 (2022-06-27 00:24):
#paper doi:10.3390/diagnostics12061493 Diagnostics, 2022, MixPatch: A New Method for Training Histopathology Image Classifiers. 病理图像分析中,由于原始全片数据量太大(通常为5万x5万像素),很难直接丢入DNN模型,故通常会进行切分,形成大量图块(patch),逐一进行分析(训练或预测)。对于每个图块,一般会由病理医生进行注释,确定其临床特征(如是否恶性肿瘤区域)。该临床特征一般是“是或否”的二分状态。然而,事实上很多分块会同时包含良性或恶性的不同类型区域,这种“不确定”的图块,会造成模型的误判和性能损失。本文的研究,采取最小图块(128x128像素,被病理医生认为最小可识别区域),以便给出“干净”的金标准数据集,并在此基础上,合并相邻最小图块(一般9个或16个,即3x3或4x4),得到“混合的图块(mix patch)”,并根据组合前原始信息,给出对该“混合图块”的结果的可信度估计。这其实是个模糊集合的理念。而通过这般操作,使得病理分析的性能得到了提升,且在对全片水平(slide level)进行的预测中也取得了更好的结果。
CNN-based image processing has been actively applied to histopathological analysis to detect and classify cancerous tumors automatically. However, CNN-based classifiers generally predict a label with overconfidence, which becomes a serious … >>>
CNN-based image processing has been actively applied to histopathological analysis to detect and classify cancerous tumors automatically. However, CNN-based classifiers generally predict a label with overconfidence, which becomes a serious problem in the medical domain. The objective of this study is to propose a new training method, called MixPatch, designed to improve a CNN-based classifier by specifically addressing the prediction uncertainty problem and examine its effectiveness in improving diagnosis performance in the context of histopathological image analysis. MixPatch generates and uses a new sub-training dataset, which consists of mixed-patches and their predefined ground-truth labels, for every single mini-batch. Mixed-patches are generated using a small size of clean patches confirmed by pathologists while their ground-truth labels are defined using a proportion-based soft labeling method. Our results obtained using a large histopathological image dataset shows that the proposed method performs better and alleviates overconfidence more effectively than any other method examined in the study. More specifically, our model showed 97.06% accuracy, an increase of 1.6% to 12.18%, while achieving 0.76% of expected calibration error, a decrease of 0.6% to 6.3%, over the other models. By specifically considering the mixed-region variation characteristics of histopathology images, MixPatch augments the extant mixed image methods for medical image analysis in which prediction uncertainty is a crucial issue. The proposed method provides a new way to systematically alleviate the overconfidence problem of CNN-based classifiers and improve their prediction accuracy, contributing toward more calibrated and reliable histopathology image analysis. <<<