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(2022-02-28 21:05):
#paper doi:10.1101/mcs.a006198 Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies, 2022, Towards transcriptomics as a primary tool for rare disease investigation. 来自斯坦福的一篇小综述,介绍转录组测序(RNA-seq)近年在罕见病研究中的应用及进展。选择并推荐这篇paper,是因为一年多以前,有一次我跟一位医生沟通课题思路时,曾经探讨过这种可能性,由于RNA相比DNA更接近于(生物分子行使)功能,所以优先选择RNA-seq,比DNA-seq可能更具探索价值。通常,疾病的遗传学研究和分子诊断,都会在基因组(DNA)层面进行。然而在罕见病中,通过基因组测序得到的诊断率并不高,且很多基因组突变也面临注释解读的困难,因而近年开始尝试辅以RNA-seq。RNA-seq虽然不能准确代表遗传背景,但它在基因表达量变化、可变剪接、外显子跳跃,内含子保留等诸多方面,却能提供更多与疾病或表型相关的信息。在最新的大型罕见病队列中,RNA-seq也的确提升了诊断率。随着相关研究的开展,与罕见病RNA-seq相关的计算方法也有所改进,比如针对罕见病患者与对照人群比例不平衡的统计模型,再比如整合DNA与RNA测序数据的等位基因间差异表达。虽然转录组的确会受限于样本类型和采样时间,很容易从一开始就遗漏特定组学变异事件,但最新的一些研究,通过将样本细胞转分化为其他特定细胞,从而发现与疾病相关的表达基因及其突变事件,也为RNA-seq在疾病研究中的应用提供了拓展思路。目前还没有关于RNA-seq诊断率的随机临床试验,因此这些研究都还只是探索性或回顾性的,不过从所取得的进展看,RNA-seq这项经典技术的更大价值发挥,未来还是很值得期待的。
Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studies,
DOI: 10.1101/mcs.a006198
PMID: 35217565
In the past 5 years transcriptome or RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) has steadily emerged as a complementary assay for rare disease diagnosis and discovery. In this perspective, we summarize several recent developments …
In the past 5 years transcriptome or RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) has steadily emerged as a complementary assay for rare disease diagnosis and discovery. In this perspective, we summarize several recent developments and challenges in the use of RNA-seq for rare disease investigation. Using an accessible patient sample, such as blood, skin, or muscle, RNA-seq enables the assay of expressed RNA transcripts. Analysis of RNA-seq allows the identification of aberrant or outlier gene expression and alternative splicing as functional evidence to support rare disease study and diagnosis. Further, many types of variant effects can be profiled beyond coding variants, as the consequences of noncoding variants that impact gene expression and splicing can be directly observed. This is particularly apparent for structural variants that disproportionately underlie outlier gene expression and for splicing variants in which RNA-seq can both measure aberrant canonical splicing and detect deep intronic effects. However, a major potential limitation of RNA-seq in rare disease investigation is the developmental and cell type specificity of gene expression as a pathogenic variant's effect may be limited to a specific spatiotemporal context and access to a patient's tissue sample from the relevant tissue and timing of disease expression may not be possible. We speculate that as advances in computational methods and emerging experimental techniques overcome both developmental and cell type specificity, there will be broadening use of RNA sequencing and multiomics in rare disease diagnosis and delivery of precision health.