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小小小小小小萌 (2023-03-31 21:16):
#paper https://www.nature.com/articles/s41421-022-00416-z Dynamic 3D genome reorganization during development and metabolic stress of the porcine liver. 这篇文章运用了基因组学尤其是三维基因组学功能研究中最常用的实验技术,包括ChIP-seq,Hi-C,ATAC-seq和RNA-seq,研究了猪的肝脏在胚胎形成阶段的两个时期及猪出生后肝脏生长至2.5cm, 8cm, 10cm的基因组学变化情况。揭示了肝脏发育过程中染色质空间结构的建立以及参与转录调控的过程。同时,对成年后高脂饮食诱导肥胖组的分析表明猪的各项代谢指标和染色质层级构象在体重增加的过程中并未发生明显变化。
IF:13.000Q1 Cell discovery, 2022-Jun-14. DOI: 10.1038/s41421-022-00416-z PMID: 35701393
Liver development is a complex process that is regulated by a series of signaling pathways. Three-dimensional (3D) chromatin architecture plays an important role in transcriptional regulation; nonetheless, its dynamics and … >>>
Liver development is a complex process that is regulated by a series of signaling pathways. Three-dimensional (3D) chromatin architecture plays an important role in transcriptional regulation; nonetheless, its dynamics and role in the rapid transition of core liver functions during development and obesity-induced metabolic stress remain largely unexplored. To investigate the dynamic chromatin architecture during liver development and under metabolic stress, we generated high-resolution maps of chromatin architecture for porcine livers across six major developmental stages (from embryonic day 38 to the adult stage) and under a high-fat diet-induced obesity. The characteristically loose chromatin architecture supports a highly plastic genome organization during early liver development, which fundamentally contributes to the rapid functional transitions in the liver after birth. We reveal the multi-scale reorganization of chromatin architecture and its influence on transcriptional regulation of critical signaling processes during liver development, and show its close association with transition in hepatic functions (i.e., from hematopoiesis in the fetus to metabolism and immunity after birth). The limited changes in chromatin structure help explain the observed metabolic adaptation to excessive energy intake in pigs. These results provide a global overview of chromatin architecture dynamics associated with the transition of physiological liver functions between prenatal development and postnatal maturation, and a foundational resource that allows for future in-depth functional characterization. <<<