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(2022-02-28 19:00):
#paper Liquid Biopsy to Detect Minimal Residual Disease: Methodology and Impact
# DOI: 10.3390/cancers13215364 这是一篇综述,讨论了通过液体活检在实体肿瘤中检测MRD的不同方法,它们各自的潜力和问题,以及MRD检测对癌症患者管理的临床影响。主要关注ctDNA(循环肿瘤 DNA),这是基于肿瘤特异性基因组改变的MRD的常用检测方法,并且在日常临床实践中已通过NGS方法或PCR方法得以实施。优点:为未来研究个体肿瘤患者的辅助治疗提供依据。
One reason why some patients experience recurrent disease after a curative-intent treatment might be the persistence of residual tumor cells, called minimal residual disease (MRD). MRD cannot be identified by …
One reason why some patients experience recurrent disease after a curative-intent treatment might be the persistence of residual tumor cells, called minimal residual disease (MRD). MRD cannot be identified by standard radiological exams or clinical evaluation. Tumor-specific alterations found in the blood indirectly diagnose the presence of MRD. Liquid biopsies thus have the potential to detect MRD, allowing, among other things, the detection of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), circulating tumor cells (CTC), or tumor-specific microRNA. Although liquid biopsy is increasingly studied, several technical issues still limit its clinical applicability: low sensitivity, poor standardization or reproducibility, and lack of randomized trials demonstrating its clinical benefit. Being able to detect MRD could give clinicians a more comprehensive view of the risk of relapse of their patients and could select patients requiring treatment escalation with the goal of improving cancer survival. In this review, we are discussing the different methodologies used and investigated to detect MRD in solid cancers, their respective potentials and issues, and the clinical impacts that MRD detection will have on the management of cancer patients.