来自杂志 British journal of cancer 的文献。
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笑对人生 (2022-10-03 23:59):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41416-022-01913-4. Comprehensive assessment of actionable genomic alterations in primary colorectal carcinoma using targeted next-generation sequencing. Br J Cancer. 2022 Oct;127(7):1304-1311. 这是一篇设计思路较为简单的原发结直肠癌体细胞突变检测文章,检测项目包括SNV(单核苷酸变异)、small INDELS(小的插入或缺失)、CNV(拷贝数变异)、TMB(肿瘤突变负荷)和microsatellite status(微卫星状态)。使用基于扩增子的靶向二代测序技术,设计靶向测序panel为428 cancer-related genes。使用的测序平台为Ion Proton sequencer using the Ion PI chip。临床样本的主要信息为澳大利亚队列,575份原发CRC(结肠腺癌)的FFPE样本,按取样部位划分,45.6%来自右侧colon(结肠),剩下54.4%来自左侧结肠。该篇文章主要的亮点是在对突变数据进行解读时,始终围绕着临床用药进行对比或探讨。主要值得关注的发现包括(1)在MSI-H的CRCs,BRAF是突变频率最高的原癌基因,占比为71%,其次是抑癌基因RNF43(63%)、KMT2C(50%)、APC(48%)、FAT1(48%)、ATM(39%)和ARID1A(39%)。在MSS的CRC中,APC和TP53是突变频率最高的抑癌基因,占比分别是74%和67%,突变频率最高的原癌基因是KRAS(47%)、PIK3CA(21%)和BRAF(13%)。413基因的拷贝数变异图谱也发现了MSI-H和MSS间存在差异。(2)MSI-H组患者的TMBs中位值显著高于MSS组。左侧结肠,只有5.6%是MSI-H,右侧结肠,1/3是MSI-H。47%的MSI-H患者存在至少一种loss of function(功能丧失)的突变导致ICIs治疗不佳。在MSS且RAS/RAF野生型突变的CRC患者中,59%含有至少一个可采取anti-EGFR靶向治疗的actionable mutation。actionable mutation理解为目前具有明确治疗策略的突变。随着NGS高通量测序的普及,肿瘤基因检测会报告大量的突变,其中包含具有临床意义的突变,而这些突变又包括可评估预后的突变、目前已经有批准的或正在临床试验的靶向药基因突变。(3)根据生物标志物(未找到具体标准),对复发晚期(III或IV)的CRC患者,分成6类,分别是MSI、On-label、On-label plus Off-label、Off-label、WT-RAS/RAF和WT-RAS/RAF plus Off-label。这里的on-label是指按药物包装上标注的适应症使用,off-label意为超出所标注的适应症用药。
BACKGROUND: The clinical utility of comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) for guiding treatment has gradually become the standard-of-care procedure for colorectal carcinoma (CRC). Here, we comprehensively assess emerging targeted therapy biomarkers … >>>
BACKGROUND: The clinical utility of comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) for guiding treatment has gradually become the standard-of-care procedure for colorectal carcinoma (CRC). Here, we comprehensively assess emerging targeted therapy biomarkers using CGP in primary CRC.METHODS: A total of 575 primary CRCs were sequenced by ACTOnco® assay for genomic alterations, tumour mutational burden (TMB), and microsatellite instability (MSI).RESULTS: Eighteen percent of patients were detected as MSI-High (MSI-H), and the remaining cases were classified as microsatellite stable (MSS). Driver mutation prevalence in MSS CRCs were APC (74%), TP53 (67%), KRAS (47%), PIK3CA (21%) and BRAF (13%). The median TMBs for MSI-H and MSS patients were 37.8 mutations per mega base (mut/Mb) and 3.9 mut/Mb, respectively. Forty-seven percent of MSI-H CRC harboured at least one loss-of-function mutations in genes that may hamper immune checkpoint blockade. Among MSS RAS/RAF wild-type CRCs, 59% had at least one actionable mutation that may compromise the efficacy of anti-EGFR therapy. For late-stage CRC, 51% of patients are eligible for standard care actionability and the remaining 49% could be enrolled in clinical trials with investigational drugs.CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the essential role of CGP for identifying rational targeted therapy options in CRC. <<<
尹志 (2022-01-18 23:37):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41416-020-01122-x Deep learning in cancer pathology: a new generation of clinical biomarkers. British Journal of Cancer, 2020 Nov 18. 这是一篇综述,综述了一下深度学习从病理图像直接抽取biomarker的相关概念,以及病理图像中利用深度学习做的各种基本的和进阶的图像分析任务。 我们知道,在肿瘤的临床治疗中会基于各种分子生物标记物。但这些分子标记物都比较耗时费力。而且一般而言,这些分子标记物都需要tumour tissue。 但其实tumour tissue上有很多信息我们现在都没好好利用。利用深度学习,我们可以直接从常规病理图像中提取更多信息。从而提供潜在的具有临床价值的信息。 里面介绍的基本任务包括:检测、评级、tumour tissue亚型预测。这些任务的目的是自动化病理诊断流程,但结论不形成直接的临床决策。(辅助诊断呗)。 进阶任务可直接影响临床决策:比如分子特性推断、生存率预测、端到端的疗效预测。这些任务都可以直接影响临床决策,但目前需要更好的临床验证。比如需要更多前瞻性实验的验证。(就是还不能用呗)。
Clinical workflows in oncology rely on predictive and prognostic molecular biomarkers. However, the growing number of these complex biomarkers tends to increase the cost and time for decision-making in routine … >>>
Clinical workflows in oncology rely on predictive and prognostic molecular biomarkers. However, the growing number of these complex biomarkers tends to increase the cost and time for decision-making in routine daily oncology practice; furthermore, biomarkers often require tumour tissue on top of routine diagnostic material. Nevertheless, routinely available tumour tissue contains an abundance of clinically relevant information that is currently not fully exploited. Advances in deep learning (DL), an artificial intelligence (AI) technology, have enabled the extraction of previously hidden information directly from routine histology images of cancer, providing potentially clinically useful information. Here, we outline emerging concepts of how DL can extract biomarkers directly from histology images and summarise studies of basic and advanced image analysis for cancer histology. Basic image analysis tasks include detection, grading and subtyping of tumour tissue in histology images; they are aimed at automating pathology workflows and consequently do not immediately translate into clinical decisions. Exceeding such basic approaches, DL has also been used for advanced image analysis tasks, which have the potential of directly affecting clinical decision-making processes. These advanced approaches include inference of molecular features, prediction of survival and end-to-end prediction of therapy response. Predictions made by such DL systems could simplify and enrich clinical decision-making, but require rigorous external validation in clinical settings. <<<