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张德祥 (2022-05-01 09:56):
#paper https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2204.07953 Learning with Signatures mnist等识别100% ,这个结果一下子炸了锅了,reddit质疑诋毁一片, https://github.com/decurtoydiaz/learning_with_signatures/issues 的讨论也很激动,但是作者开放了代码,回应了质疑,https://www.kaggle.com/code/mlsnatcher/replicate-results-signature-model/notebook也有可以直接运行的代码,在issue5讨论中作者也承认了有一个不足,除了不认可,是否可以深入了解一下这个技术具体使用的方法?论文不用深度学习,使用了:The signature was first defined for smooth paths by Chen in the 60s (Chen, 1957; 1958; 1977) and was rediscovered in the 90s in the context of rough path theory;这个数学很难,想真正搞懂这个论文的底细很难,挑战很大,搞懂了也是本事,如果技术真的ok,那也是领先一步。
In this work we investigate the use of the Signature Transform in the context of Learning. Under this assumption, we advance a supervised framework that potentially provides state-of-the-art classification accuracy … >>>
In this work we investigate the use of the Signature Transform in the context of Learning. Under this assumption, we advance a supervised framework that potentially provides state-of-the-art classification accuracy with the use of few labels without the need of credit assignment and with minimal or no overfitting. We leverage tools from harmonic analysis by the use of the signature and log-signature, and use as a score function RMSE and MAE Signature and log-signature. We develop a closed-form equation to compute probably good optimal scale factors, as well as the formulation to obtain them by optimization. Techniques of Signal Processing are addressed to further characterize the problem. Classification is performed at the CPU level orders of magnitude faster than other methods. We report results on AFHQ, MNIST and CIFAR10, achieving 100% accuracy on all tasks assuming we can determine at test time which probably good optimal scale factor to use for each category. <<<
张德祥 (2022-04-19 21:45):
#paper http://dx.doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tdw82 逆向海马体高级认知: 作者分析了生物高级slam功能是生物高级认知的基础,论文第三部分调查梳理了大量生物认知文献,论文第二部分提到了作者之前实现的类生物的slam框架,更多介绍可以参考https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/R7doxKN6ylz7QXAIMiWQlQ
Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) represents a fundamental problem for autonomous embodied systems, for which the hippocampal/entorhinal system (H/E-S) has been optimized over the course of evolution. We have developed … >>>
Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) represents a fundamental problem for autonomous embodied systems, for which the hippocampal/entorhinal system (H/E-S) has been optimized over the course of evolution. We have developed a biologically-inspired SLAM architecture based on latent variable generative modeling within the Free Energy Principle and Active Inference (FEP-AI) framework, which affords flexible navigation and planning in mobile robots. We have primarily focused on attempting to reverse engineer H/E-S ‘design’ properties, but here we consider ways in which SLAM principles from robotics may help us better understand nervous systems and emergent minds. After reviewing LatentSLAM and notable features of this control architecture, we consider how the H/E-S may realize these functional properties not only for physical navigation, but also with respect to high-level cognition understood as generalized simultaneous localization and mapping (G-SLAM). We focus on loop-closure, graph-relaxation, and node duplication as particularly impactful architectural features, suggesting these computational phenomena may contribute to understanding cognitive insight (as proto-causal-inference), accommodation (as integration into existing schemas), and assimilation (as category formation). All these operations can similarly be describable in terms of structure/category learning on multiple levels of abstraction. However, here we adopt an ecological rationality perspective, framing H/E-S functions as orchestrating SLAM processes within both concrete and abstract hypothesis spaces. In this navigation/search process, adaptive cognitive equilibration between assimilation and accommodation involves balancing tradeoffs between exploration and exploitation; this dynamic equilibrium may be near optimally realized in FEP-AI, wherein control systems governed by expected free energy objective functions naturally balance model simplicity and accuracy. With respect to structure learning, such a balance would involve constructing models and categories that are neither too inclusive nor exclusive. We propose these (generalized) SLAM phenomena may represent some of the most impactful sources of variation in cognition both within and between individuals, suggesting that modulators of H/E-S functioning may potentially illuminate their adaptive significances as fundamental cybernetic control parameters. Finally, we discuss how understanding H/E-S contributions to G-SLAM may provide a unifying framework for high-level cognition and its potential realization in artificial intelligences. <<<
张德祥 (2022-03-24 23:05):
#paper https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2112.14045 Learning from What’s Right and Learning from What’s Wrong 最新的贝叶斯推理论文,详见推文:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/OEcXvyqxYNTCbTK7KUrEjw
The concept of updating (or conditioning or revising) a probability distribution is fundamental in (machine) learning and in predictive coding theory. The two main approaches for doing so are called … >>>
The concept of updating (or conditioning or revising) a probability distribution is fundamental in (machine) learning and in predictive coding theory. The two main approaches for doing so are called Pearl's rule and Jeffrey's rule. Here we make, for the first time, mathematically precise what distinguishes them: Pearl's rule increases validity (expected value) and Jeffrey's rule decreases (Kullback-Leibler) divergence. This forms an instance of a more general distinction between learning from what's right and learning from what's wrong. The difference between these two approaches is illustrated in a mock cognitive scenario. <<<