颜林林 (2023-10-27 12:22):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41592-023-02043-2. Nature Methods, 2023, Comprehensive benchmarking and guidelines of mosaic variant calling strategies. 本文是一篇方法学评估对比的文章,对11个嵌合体突变鉴定工具(这其中也包括我读博期间参与的MosaicHunter)进行了系统评估。嵌合体突变是精卵结合形成合子后,在生物个体发育早期发生的一类体细胞突变,这类突变会随着发育和器官形成,被携带并分布到生物个体的不同部位。本文使用预先确定了胚系突变信息的细胞系,分步骤进行混合,以模拟生物个体早期不同阶段发生的嵌合体突变,由此得到一组拥有不同频率嵌合体突变结果(ground truth)的参考样品,用来测试和评估各鉴定工具(这个参考品制备方法,在过去几年里,也被我们用于癌症基因检测产品研发,对体细胞突变鉴定进行技术验证)。本文的评估结果显示,嵌合体突变鉴定,很大程度上取决于研究目的(及由此考虑的假设条件),根据不同目的所选择的工具及参数,可能对结果产生较大影响,本文根据评估结果对不同工具的特点进行了描述,为后续其他关于嵌合体突变的研究,以及分析工具开发,提供了参考指导和建议。
IF:36.100Q1 Nature methods, 2023-Dec. DOI: 10.1038/s41592-023-02043-2 PMID: 37828153
Comprehensive benchmarking and guidelines of mosaic variant calling strategies
Rapid advances in sequencing and analysis technologies have enabled the accurate detection of diverse forms of genomic variants represented as heterozygous, homozygous and mosaic mutations. However, the best practices for mosaic variant calling remain disorganized owing to the technical and conceptual difficulties faced in evaluation. Here we present our benchmark of 11 feasible mosaic variant detection approaches based on a systematically designed whole-exome-level reference standard that mimics mosaic samples, supported by 354,258 control positive mosaic single-nucleotide variants and insertion-deletion mutations and 33,111,725 control negatives. We identified not only the best practice for mosaic variant detection but also the condition-dependent strengths and weaknesses of the current methods. Furthermore, feature-level evaluation and their combinatorial usage across multiple algorithms direct the way for immediate to prolonged improvements in mosaic variant detection. Our results will guide researchers in selecting suitable calling algorithms and suggest future strategies for developers.