白鸟 (2023-09-30 22:32):
#paper Inflammation and Cancer: Triggers, Mechanisms, and Consequences. Immunity 2019, DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.immuni.2019.06.025. 本文是炎症促癌的综述文章,另一姊妹篇讲述的是炎症抗癌。炎症和肿瘤之间的关系复杂,依赖于动态的时间和环境。 本文的思路是: 1.炎症的定义:机体抵御病原体,免疫系统免疫细胞的激活、募集和作用; 2.肿瘤研究重点的转移:以“癌细胞”为中心转移到“肿瘤微环境TME”,将癌细胞置于由成纤维细胞、血管细胞和炎症免疫细胞组成的基质细胞网络。炎症对TME的组成有很大影响。 3.炎症如何促进癌症的潜在机制: 1)免疫细胞抗肿瘤:发挥免疫监视和肿瘤异质性的免疫塑造; 2)促肿瘤炎症:通过阻断抗肿瘤免疫、使TME朝更适合肿瘤生长的状态以及通过向上皮细胞和癌细胞施加直接的促肿瘤信号和功能来促进癌症; 3)炎症和肿瘤发生,促进和转移:炎症和肿瘤转移:超90%的癌症死亡与肿瘤转移有关,需要了解控制肿瘤转移过程的炎症机制。 4.癌症疗法:运用免疫和炎症途径在治疗抵抗癌细胞的作用机制。
IF:25.500Q1 Immunity, 2019-07-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2019.06.025 PMID: 31315034
Inflammation and Cancer: Triggers, Mechanisms, and Consequences
Inflammation predisposes to the development of cancer and promotes all stages of tumorigenesis. Cancer cells, as well as surrounding stromal and inflammatory cells, engage in well-orchestrated reciprocal interactions to form an inflammatory tumor microenvironment (TME). Cells within the TME are highly plastic, continuously changing their phenotypic and functional characteristics. Here, we review the origins of inflammation in tumors, and the mechanisms whereby inflammation drives tumor initiation, growth, progression, and metastasis. We discuss how tumor-promoting inflammation closely resembles inflammatory processes typically found during development, immunity, maintenance of tissue homeostasis, or tissue repair and illuminate the distinctions between tissue-protective and pro-tumorigenic inflammation, including spatiotemporal considerations. Defining the cornerstone rules of engagement governing molecular and cellular mechanisms of tumor-promoting inflammation will be essential for further development of anti-cancer therapies.