周周复始 (2023-09-30 15:59):
#paper Sample sizes and population differences in brain template construction.November 2019NeuroImage 206:116318.DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116318.在磁共振成像(MRI)数据处理的各种pipeline中,通常使用空间归一化或对标准脑模板的形变作为关键模块。大脑模板通常是使用有限数量的受试者的MRI数据构建的,个体大脑在形态上表现出显著的差异。因此,样本量和群体差异是影响脑模板构建的两个关键因素。为了解决这些影响,本文用HCP和CHCP的两个数据来量化样本量和人口对大脑模板构建的影响。首先使用来自HCP和CHCP的数据子集评估样本量对体积脑模板构建的影响。应用了变形变异性的体素指数和对数变换的雅可比行列式来评估与模板构建相关的变异性,并将大脑模板变异性建模为样本量的幂函数。在系统水平上,额顶叶控制网络和背侧注意网络表现出较高的变形变异性,而其他主要网络表现出较低的变异性。为了研究人群差异,还构建了高加索人和中国人的标准脑图谱(即US200和CN200)。两个人口统计学上匹配的模板,特别是语言相关区域,在边缘上回和额下回的变形变异性和记录的雅可比行列式上表现出显著的双边差异。使用HCP和CHCP的独立数据,检验了分割和配准的准确性,发现在空间归一化中使用人口不匹配模板显著降低了大脑的分割和配准性能。研究结果为支持在人脑图谱研究中使用人口匹配模板提供了证据。
IF:4.700Q1 NeuroImage, 2020-02-01. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116318 PMID: 31689538
Sample sizes and population differences in brain template construction
Spatial normalization or deformation to a standard brain template is routinely used as a key module in various pipelines for the processing of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. Brain templates are often constructed using MRI data from a limited number of subjects. Individual brains show significant variabilities in their morphology; thus, sample sizes and population differences are two key factors that influence brain template construction. To address these influences, we employed two independent groups from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) and the Chinese Human Connectome Project (CHCP) to quantify the impacts of sample sizes and population on brain template construction. We first assessed the effect of sample size on the construction of volumetric brain templates using data subsets from the HCP and CHCP datasets. We applied a voxel-wise index of the deformation variability and a logarithmically transformed Jacobian determinant to quantify the variability associated with the template construction and modeled the brain template variability as a power function of the sample size. At the system level, the frontoparietal control network and dorsal attention network demonstrated higher deformation variability and logged Jacobian determinants, whereas other primary networks showed lower variability. To investigate the population differences, we constructed Caucasian and Chinese standard brain atlases (namely, US200 and CN200). The two demographically matched templates, particularly the language-related areas, exhibited dramatic bilaterally in supramarginal gyri and inferior frontal gyri differences in their deformation variability and logged Jacobian determinant. Using independent data from the HCP and CHCP, we examined the segmentation and registration accuracy and observed significant reduction in the performance of the brain segmentation and registration when the population-mismatched templates were used in the spatial normalization. Our findings provide evidence to support the use of population-matched templates in human brain mapping studies. The US200 and CN200 templates have been released on the Neuroimage Informatics Tools and Resources Clearinghouse (NITRC) website (https://www.nitrc.org/projects/us200_cn200/).