张贝 (2023-09-30 13:45):
#paper Serial assessment of measurable residual disease in medulloblastoma liquid biopsies Cancer Cell. 2021 Nov 8;39(11):1519-1530.e4.髓母细胞瘤(Medulloblastoma,MB)是一种恶性的儿童胚胎中枢神经系统肿瘤,近三分之一的MB儿童死于这种疾病。通过影像学和脑脊液(CSF)细胞学进行常规反应监测仍然具有挑战性,并且缺乏可检测MRD的标志物。本文使用来自CSF的cfDNA作为MRD生物标志物,前瞻性验证从MB儿童(123名患者,476个样本)收集的CSF样本中的临床效用。使用低深度全基因组测序,研究了来自CSF的cfDNA中肿瘤相关拷贝数的变化。在基线时分别在85%和54%的转移性和局限性疾病患者中检测到MRD。MRD阳性患者的数量随着治疗的进行而下降,但那些持续性MRD阳性的患者有更高的进展风险。该研究阐释了cfDNA检测的疾病预测价值和诊断价值。
IF:48.800Q1 Cancer cell, 2021-11-08. DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2021.09.012 PMID: 34678152 PMCID:PMC9620970
Serial assessment of measurable residual disease in medulloblastoma liquid biopsies
Nearly one-third of children with medulloblastoma, a malignant embryonal tumor of the cerebellum, succumb to their disease. Conventional response monitoring by imaging and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cytology remains challenging, and a marker for measurable residual disease (MRD) is lacking. Here, we show the clinical utility of CSF-derived cell-free DNA (cfDNA) as a biomarker of MRD in serial samples collected from children with medulloblastoma (123 patients, 476 samples) enrolled on a prospective trial. Using low-coverage whole-genome sequencing, tumor-associated copy-number variations in CSF-derived cfDNA are investigated as an MRD surrogate. MRD is detected at baseline in 85% and 54% of patients with metastatic and localized disease, respectively. The number of MRD-positive patients declines with therapy, yet those with persistent MRD have significantly higher risk of progression. Importantly, MRD detection precedes radiographic progression in half who relapse. Our findings advocate for the prospective assessment of CSF-derived liquid biopsies in future trials for medulloblastoma.