林海onrush (2023-09-01 00:00):
#paper,Supervised machine learning classification of psychosis biotypes based on brain structure: findings from the Bipolar-Schizophrenia network for intermediate phenotypes (B-SNIP),https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-38101-0讨论了精神障碍的传统诊断方法与神经生物学关联的不足,并提出了使用基于大脑的生物标志物来捕获精神病结构的方法。研究以基于MRI图像的灰质密度(GMD)作为生物标志物,通过逻辑回归模型将精神病病例与健康对照进行分类。在不同生物型和诊断方案下,研究评估了六个模型的分类准确性,其中B1生物型模型显示了特异性证据,能够有效区分精神病病例和健康对照。基于GMD的B1分类器结果显示,其与病前智力负相关。研究结果表明,基于B-SNIP精神病生物型的方法可能是捕捉精神病神经生物学特征的有前途方法,并可辅助临床诊断。最近个人也在一直思考如何把脑科学神经科学的东西和量子计算结合研究,下来多读一读脑科学相关文献
IF:3.800Q1 Scientific reports, 2023-08-10. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-38101-0 PMID: 37563219
Supervised machine learning classification of psychosis biotypes based on brain structure: findings from the Bipolar-Schizophrenia network for intermediate phenotypes (B-SNIP)
Traditional diagnostic formulations of psychotic disorders have low correspondence with underlying disease neurobiology. This has led to a growing interest in using brain-based biomarkers to capture biologically-informed psychosis constructs. Building upon our prior work on the B-SNIP Psychosis Biotypes, we aimed to examine whether structural MRI (an independent biomarker not used in the Biotype development) can effectively classify the Biotypes. Whole brain voxel-wise grey matter density (GMD) maps from T1-weighted images were used to train and test (using repeated randomized train/test splits) binary L2-penalized logistic regression models to discriminate psychosis cases (n = 557) from healthy controls (CON, n = 251). A total of six models were evaluated across two psychosis categorization schemes: (i) three Biotypes (B1, B2, B3) and (ii) three DSM diagnoses (schizophrenia (SZ), schizoaffective (SAD) and bipolar (BD) disorders). Above-chance classification accuracies were observed in all Biotype (B1 = 0.70, B2 = 0.65, and B3 = 0.56) and diagnosis (SZ = 0.64, SAD = 0.64, and BD = 0.59) models. However, the only model that showed evidence of specificity was B1, i.e., the model was able to discriminate B1 vs. CON and did not misclassify other psychosis cases (B2 or B3) as B1 at rates above nominal chance. The GMD-based classifier evidence for B1 showed a negative association with an estimate of premorbid general intellectual ability, regardless of group membership, i.e. psychosis or CON. Our findings indicate that, complimentary to clinical diagnoses, the B-SNIP Psychosis Biotypes may offer a promising approach to capture specific aspects of psychosis neurobiology.