Ricardo (2023-08-31 22:41):
#paper Brain Templates for Chinese Babies from Newborn to Three Months of Age doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.05.543553 港中文最近挂在bioRxiv的一篇中国婴幼儿脑模板的文章,不过年龄范围局限在0-3月龄,图像质量不是很高。而且受限于脑影像预处理算法的问题,他们构建出来的婴幼儿分月龄模板比较粗糙,还不够精细。不过这也是没有办法的事,一方面是婴幼儿脑影像的数据采集确实是比较麻烦的事,另一方面针对早期发育阶段的婴幼儿脑影像处理算法也比较少,近期开源的也只有UNC那边开源的刚开始用起来。总之这个领域在国内还比较新。
Brain Templates for Chinese Babies from Newborn to Three Months of Age
AbstractThe infant brain develops rapidly and this area of research has great clinical implications. Neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and developmental delay have their origins, potentially, in abnormal early brain maturation. Searching for potential early neural markers requiresa prioriknowledge about infant brain development and anatomy. One of the most common methods of characterizing brain features requires normalization of individual images into a standard stereotactic space and conduct of group-based analyses in this space. A population representative brain template is critical for these population-based studies. Little research is available on constructing brain templates for typical developing Chinese infants. In the present work, a total of 112 babies from 6 to 98 days of age were included with high resolution structural magnetic resonance imaging scans. T1-weighted and T2-weighted templates were constructed using an unbiased registration approach for babies from newborn to 3 months of age. Age-specific templates were also estimated for babies aged at 0, 1, 2 and 3 months old. Then we conducted a series of evaluations and statistical analyses over whole tissue segmentations and brain parcellations. Compared to the use of population mismatched templates, using our established templates resulted in lower deformation energy to transform individual images into the template space and produced a smaller registration error, i.e., smaller standard deviation of the registered images. Significant volumetric growth was observed across total brain tissues and most of the brain regions within the first three months of age. The total brain tissues exhibited larger volumes in baby boys compared to baby girls. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study focusing on the construction of Chinese infant brain templates. These templates can be used for investigating birth related conditions such as preterm birth, detecting neural biomarkers for neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders in Chinese populations, and exploring genetic and cultural effects on the brain.