周周复始 (2023-08-31 22:40):
#paper Mapping Human Cortical Areas In Vivo Based on Myelin Content as Revealed by T1- and T2-Weighted MRI.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2180-11.2011.这篇文章介绍了一种基于T1加权(T1w)和T2加权(T2w)MRI图像中髓鞘含量的方法来绘制人类大脑皮层区域的分布图。该方法可以在不同的3T扫描仪和脉冲序列之间通用。通过使用T1w/T2w图像强度的比率来消除与MRI相关的图像强度偏差,并提高髓鞘的对比噪声比。每个受试者的数据都被映射到皮层表面,并通过基于表面的配准在个体之间对齐。群体平均髓鞘图的空间梯度提供了一个观察者无关的方法,用于测量皮层表面上的髓鞘含量的急剧变化,即假定的皮层区域边界。研究发现,髓鞘图的梯度与已发表的基于概率的细胞构架定义的皮层区域的梯度非常吻合,这些区域已经配准到了相同的基于表面的大脑图谱。对于其他皮层区域,研究使用了已发表的解剖和功能信息,对数十个皮层区域或候选区域进行了可能的鉴定。总体上,初级和早期的单模联合皮质具有丰富的髓鞘,而更高级、多模联合的皮质具有较少的髓鞘,但文献中也有一些例外情况,这些例外情况也在研究结果中得到了证实。髓鞘图中的整体模式还与亚皮质白质髓鞘发育的起始、人类相对于猕猴的进化皮层区域扩展、人类的产后皮层扩展以及非人类灵长类动物的神经元密度分布图有重要的相关性。
Mapping human cortical areas in vivo based on myelin content as revealed by T1- and T2-weighted MRI
Noninvasively mapping the layout of cortical areas in humans is a continuing challenge for neuroscience. We present a new method of mapping cortical areas based on myelin content as revealed by T1-weighted (T1w) and T2-weighted (T2w) MRI. The method is generalizable across different 3T scanners and pulse sequences. We use the ratio of T1w/T2w image intensities to eliminate the MR-related image intensity bias and enhance the contrast to noise ratio for myelin. Data from each subject were mapped to the cortical surface and aligned across individuals using surface-based registration. The spatial gradient of the group average myelin map provides an observer-independent measure of sharp transitions in myelin content across the surface--i.e., putative cortical areal borders. We found excellent agreement between the gradients of the myelin maps and the gradients of published probabilistic cytoarchitectonically defined cortical areas that were registered to the same surface-based atlas. For other cortical regions, we used published anatomical and functional information to make putative identifications of dozens of cortical areas or candidate areas. In general, primary and early unimodal association cortices are heavily myelinated and higher, multimodal, association cortices are more lightly myelinated, but there are notable exceptions in the literature that are confirmed by our results. The overall pattern in the myelin maps also has important correlations with the developmental onset of subcortical white matter myelination, evolutionary cortical areal expansion in humans compared with macaques, postnatal cortical expansion in humans, and maps of neuronal density in non-human primates.