颜林林 (2023-07-25 00:17):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41588-023-01452-5. Nature Genetics, 2023, Crosstalk between RNA m6A and DNA methylation regulates transposable element chromatin activation and cell fate in human pluripotent stem cells. 这篇文章开发了一种名为CARGO-BioID的方法,基于CRISPR技术 和 蛋白质邻位连接技术(Proximity Ligation Assay,PLA),能够抓取与基因组上特定转座元件(Transposable elements,TEs)区域序列相结合的蛋白,并通过质谱和ChIP-seq等实验,对这些蛋白进行鉴定和定量检测。文章以LTR7/HRV-H为目标,这是个灵长目特有的TE序列,通过上述技术方法,识别出与之结合的蛋白,其中包括 YTHDC2 和 TET1 这两个蛋白,前者是RNA m6A甲基化的读取器(reader),后者则是DNA 5mC甲基化的去甲基酶。随后,文章又利用一系列细胞实验,证实了这两个蛋白在该基因组区域上的生物学作用,包括相应的RNA甲基化与DNA甲基化之间的相互作用(crosstalk)、它们对TE活性的调控、以及对hPSC(人多能干细胞)分化命运的影响等。
IF:31.700Q1 Nature genetics, 2023-08. DOI: 10.1038/s41588-023-01452-5 PMID: 37474847
Crosstalk between RNA m6A and DNA methylation regulates transposable element chromatin activation and cell fate in human pluripotent stem cells
Transposable elements (TEs) are parasitic DNA sequences accounting for over half of the human genome. Tight control of the repression and activation states of TEs is critical for genome integrity, development, immunity and diseases, including cancer. However, precisely how this regulation is achieved remains unclear. Here we develop a targeted proteomic proximity labeling approach to capture TE-associated proteins in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). We find that the RNA N-methyladenosine (mA) reader, YTHDC2, occupies genomic loci of the primate-specific TE, LTR7/HERV-H, specifically through its interaction with mA-modified HERV-H RNAs. Unexpectedly, YTHDC2 recruits the DNA 5-methylcytosine (5mC)-demethylase, TET1, to remove 5mC from LTR7/HERV-H and prevent epigenetic silencing. Functionally, the YTHDC2/LTR7 axis inhibits neural differentiation of hESCs. Our results reveal both an underappreciated crosstalk between RNA mA and DNA 5mC, the most abundant regulatory modifications of RNA and DNA in eukaryotes, and the fact that in hESCs this interplay controls TE activity and cell fate.