小擎子 (2023-06-30 23:20):
#paper doi:10.1126/science.aba6527 Science, 2020, Designed protein logic to target cells with precise combinations of surface antigens 设计蛋白质逻辑,以靶向具有表面抗原精确组合的细胞。文献从头设计了协同定位依赖性蛋白质开关(Co-LOCKR),可执行“AND”、“OR”和“NOT”布尔逻辑运算。只有当满足所有条件时,这些开关才会通过构象变化激活,实现在复杂细胞群中以单细胞分辨率产生快速的、转录依赖的反应。使用“AND”门来重定向T细胞对表达两种表面抗原的肿瘤细胞的特异性,同时避免对单抗原细胞的脱靶识别,以及添加“NOT”或“OR”以避免或包括表达第三抗原的细胞。文章涉及蛋白质设计知识太多了,有点看不懂,但是这个设计是很有想象力很有意思的,可以实现只在特定细胞的细胞膜附近反应的效果。蛋白质设计的门槛现在降得很低,但就像David Baker说的,关键是你想设计什么样的蛋白。
Designed protein logic to target cells with precise combinations of surface antigens
Precise cell targeting is challenging because most mammalian cell types lack a single surface marker that distinguishes them from other cells. A solution would be to target cells using specific combinations of proteins present on their surfaces. In this study, we design colocalization-dependent protein switches (Co-LOCKR) that perform AND, OR, and NOT Boolean logic operations. These switches activate through a conformational change only when all conditions are met, generating rapid, transcription-independent responses at single-cell resolution within complex cell populations. We implement AND gates to redirect T cell specificity against tumor cells expressing two surface antigens while avoiding off-target recognition of single-antigen cells, and three-input switches that add NOT or OR logic to avoid or include cells expressing a third antigen. Thus, de novo designed proteins can perform computations on the surface of cells, integrating multiple distinct binding interactions into a single output.