尹志 (2023-06-30 21:30):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1002/ange.202210001, Angewandte Chemie 134.40 (2022), A Carbon-Carbon Bond Cleavage-Based Prodrug Activation Strategy Applied to β-Lapachone for Cancer-Specific Targeting。基本过了一遍,特别有意思的工作。文章提出了一种新型的前药(prodrug)设计策略,利用C-C键断裂来生成父药(parent drug)。在文章中这个父药是β-Lapachone, 一种对胰腺癌和肺癌有靶向效果的药物分子。前药设计策略是靶向药设计的一种现代方法,它的思路是,很多药物直接服用或者使用对患者的毒性较高,因此治疗窗口就较小。而前药设计策略是,将父药包装成前药分子,然后通过前药分子的摄入进入体内,然后在到达靶点之后,通过某种方式,转变为父药,进而被激活,产生药物活性。这个过程降低了药物毒性的影响,延长了治疗窗口。传统上,前药激活的方式是通过断裂C-N/C-O键,但是很多可修饰基团没有C-N/C-O bond。作者的新策略是进行C-C bond的断裂,从而产生父药,从而产生药效。脑洞一下啊,今年初,张锋组的一篇工作,我之前在paper群有写,通过一种叫外胞质收缩注射系统的纳米机器,进行各种蛋白质负载的传递,我感觉和前药设计的思想很像啊,都是通过间接的方式,避开某种问题,实现最终效果,类似构建一套传递体系或者传递策略。这点上很值得借鉴。只能说,药物设计生物设计简直泰裤辣
A Carbon‐Carbon Bond Cleavage‐Based Prodrug Activation Strategy Applied to β‐Lapachone for Cancer‐Specific Targeting
Prodrugs are one of the most common strategies for the design of targeted anticancer agents. However, their application is often hampered by the modifiable groups available on parent drugs. Herein, a carbon-carbon (C−C) bond cleavage-based prodrug activation strategy is reported, which was successfully used to design prodrugs of β-lapachone (β-lap), an ortho-quinone natural product without traditional modifiable groups for the construction of C−N/C−O bond cleavage-based prodrugs. The designed β-lap prodrug with a reactive oxygen species-specific trigger was quickly activated, releasing β-lap. It exerted anticancer efficacy via NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1)-mediated futile redox cycling, resulting in potent cytotoxicity that was highly selective for NQO1-rich cancer cells over normal cells both in vitro and in vivo. This significantly amplified the therapeutic window of β-lap. This study provides a practical strategy for the design of prodrugs for parent drugs that do not contain traditional modifiable groups.