张德祥 (2023-05-16 08:14):
#paper https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2203.11740 我们可以把我们的大脑想象成是地球,地心熔岩的产生如同在海马体的短期记忆的发生,过程是量子的;地表的地震因为势能释放,选出强的短期记忆成为长期记忆存储在不同皮层的记忆印记细胞能被释放。 AI+脑科学+量子力学的结合。我们提出了PNN,但它不仅仅是简单的时间序列模型。 除了突触连接的共享权重,我们提出了新的神经网络包括突触有效范围权重也会进行前向和反向计算。而且很多仿真是RNN无法实现的。 正向和负向记忆的大脑塑性是量子的并产生短期记忆,并且波函数展现出在一段时间表现出指数衰减,在海马体里产生。而指数衰减是因为壁垒,壁垒可能和星形胶质细胞有关。工作记忆的大脑塑性在大脑流动从海马体到不同皮层通过方向导数。强的工作记忆的大脑塑性转变成长期记忆也就是最大的方向导数,而最大的方向导数就是梯度。这样长期记忆是工作记忆的大脑塑性的梯度。短期记忆变成长期记忆的过程,也就是非经典力学变成经典力学的过程。 PNN的仿真符合了6篇正刊、6篇子刊和1篇物理顶刊的脑科学实验和假设。 更多可以参考: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/k-KD1KcQo9FiYcQvSypBjQ
Plasticity Neural Network Based on Memory Generation, Memory Consolidation and Synaptic Strength Rebalance by Current and Memory Brain Plasticity and Synapse Formation-to simulate Artificial Brain
In addition to the shared weights of the synaptic connections, we proposed a new neural network that includes the synaptic effective range weights for both the forward and back propagation. And lots of simulations were used which RNN cannot be achieved. The simulations of PNN fit very well in experiments and hypotheses of 6 papers CNS Journals, 6 papers of CNS family Journals and 1 paper top Physics Journal [14-26]. The brain plasticity in positive or negative memory may be quantum and produce short-term memory, and exhibits an exponential decay in the wave function over a period of time, produced in the hippocampus. And exponential decay occurs due to barriers, and barriers can refer to astrocytes. Brain plasticity in working memory flows through the brain, from the hippocampus to the cortex, through directional derivatives. The strong working memory brain plasticity turns to long-term memory means maximum of directional derivatives, and maximum of directional derivatives is gradient. Thus, long-term memory signifies the gradient of brain plasticity in working memory. The process of short-term memory turns to long-term memory is the process of non-classically turns to classically. Astrocytic cortex memory persistence factor also inhibits local synaptic accumulation, and the model inspires experiments. This could be the process of astrocytes phagocytose synapses is driven by both positive and negative memories of plasticity in the brain. In simulation, it is possible that thicker cortices and more diverse individuals within the brain could have high IQ, but thickest cortices and most diverse individuals may have low IQ in simulation. PSO considers global solution or best previous solution, but also considers relatively good and relatively inferior solution. And PNN modified ResNet to consider memory gradient. The simple PNN only considers astrocytes phagocytosed synapses.