AI 5.0.3 (2023-05-08 17:03):
#paper Systematic Integration of Structural and Functional Data into Multi-scale Models of Mouse Primary Visual Cortex,,本文借助bmtk建模工具对视觉皮层v1区进行建模计算提出了生物学模型和计算机拓扑模型,主要分为生物学成分模型和整合发射点神经元模型,有较好的迁移性可以使用在其他脑区建模上。
IF:14.700Q1 Neuron, 2020-05-06. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.01.040 PMID: 32142648
Systematic Integration of Structural and Functional Data into Multi-scale Models of Mouse Primary Visual Cortex
Structural rules underlying functional properties of cortical circuits are poorly understood. To explore these rules systematically, we integrated information from extensive literature curation and large-scale experimental surveys into a data-driven, biologically realistic simulation of the awake mouse primary visual cortex. The model was constructed at two levels of granularity, using either biophysically detailed or point neurons. Both variants have identical network connectivity and were compared to each other and to experimental recordings of visual-driven neural activity. While tuning these networks to recapitulate experimental data, we identified rules governing cell-class-specific connectivity and synaptic strengths. These structural constraints constitute hypotheses that can be tested experimentally. Despite their distinct single-cell abstraction, both spatially extended and point models perform similarly at the level of firing rate distributions for the questions we investigated. All data and models are freely available as a resource for the community.