颜林林 (2023-05-06 00:47):
#paper doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2212856 The New England Journal of Medicine, 2023, Interrupting Endocrine Therapy to Attempt Pregnancy after Breast Cancer. 乳腺癌患者在接受手术后,若为HR阳性,则会继续开展数年的内分泌辅助治疗,以巩固和改善疗效,避免和降低疾病复发。在辅助治疗期间,患者若打算怀孕生娃,则需要停止原定的内分泌治疗,这是否会导致严重的负面影响,尚无明确结论。这篇研究就是针对此情况开展的注册临床试验(NCT02308085),入组了2014至2019年期间符合条件的518位患者,她们都因怀孕计划中断了内分泌治疗,对她们进行持续随访,分析其乳腺癌复发事件及生育情况。目前已达到次要终点,复发事件数未超过预定安全阈值,数据进行锁定和分析。与外部一个1499例的未中断内分泌治疗的乳腺癌队列进行对比,复发事件的发生率并无明显区别。初步支持为尝试怀孕而暂停治疗不会产生明显的短期负面影响。对这些患者的随访还在继续,以便未来对相应产生的长期影响做出评估和结论。
Interrupting Endocrine Therapy to Attempt Pregnancy after Breast Cancer
BACKGROUND: Prospective data on the risk of recurrence among women with hormone receptor-positive early breast cancer who temporarily discontinue endocrine therapy to attempt pregnancy are lacking.METHODS: We conducted a single-group trial in which we evaluated the temporary interruption of adjuvant endocrine therapy to attempt pregnancy in young women with previous breast cancer. Eligible women were 42 years of age or younger; had had stage I, II, or III disease; had received adjuvant endocrine therapy for 18 to 30 months; and desired pregnancy. The primary end point was the number of breast cancer events (defined as local, regional, or distant recurrence of invasive breast cancer or new contralateral invasive breast cancer) during follow-up. The primary analysis was planned to be performed after 1600 patient-years of follow-up. The prespecified safety threshold was the occurrence of 46 breast cancer events during this period. Breast cancer outcomes in this treatment-interruption group were compared with those in an external control cohort consisting of women who would have met the entry criteria for the current trial.RESULTS: Among 516 women, the median age was 37 years, the median time from breast cancer diagnosis to enrollment was 29 months, and 93.4% had stage I or II disease. Among 497 women who were followed for pregnancy status, 368 (74.0%) had at least one pregnancy and 317 (63.8%) had at least one live birth. In total, 365 babies were born. At 1638 patient-years of follow-up (median follow-up, 41 months), 44 patients had a breast cancer event, a result that did not exceed the safety threshold. The 3-year incidence of breast cancer events was 8.9% (95% confidence interval [CI], 6.3 to 11.6) in the treatment-interruption group and 9.2% (95% CI, 7.6 to 10.8) in the control cohort.CONCLUSIONS: Among select women with previous hormone receptor-positive early breast cancer, temporary interruption of endocrine therapy to attempt pregnancy did not confer a greater short-term risk of breast cancer events, including distant recurrence, than that in the external control cohort. Further follow-up is critical to inform longer-term safety. (Funded by ETOP IBCSG Partners Foundation and others; POSITIVE ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT02308085.).