cellsarts (2023-03-31 19:54):
#Paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-022-01195-x 海底热液羽流中硫氧化细菌(SUP05)的生态位分化 Niche differentiation of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SUP05) in submarine hydrothermal plumes热液柱将还原态的化学物质和金属输送到开阔的海洋中。尽管它们对生物地球化学循环有广泛及巨大的影响,但对热液柱之中的丰富的微生物演化支的生态位分化知之甚少。在这里,我们分析了在南太平洋的克马德克海内弧上两个热泉的——(兄弟火山;brv锥和西北破火山口;NWC)和中海火山(Macauley火山;McV)絮凝物物微生物生态。通过结合16S rRNA基因、荧光原位杂交和宏基因组分析确定的微生物群落结构与在其他富硫羽流中观察到的群落相似。这包括排硫特征的SUP05分支的优势(在McV中高达22%,在BrV中高达51%)。在分析的三个羽中,群落由不同的尚未培养的化学自养SUP05物种主导,这里暂时命名为Candidatus Thioglobus vadi (McV), Candidatus thiglobus vulcanius (BrV-cone)和Candidatus thiglobus plumae (BrV-NWC)。统计分析、基因组潜能和mRNA表达谱表明,SUP05的生态位划分基于硫化物和铁浓度以及水深。第四种SUP05在整个研究的絮凝状样品中出现频率很低,可能具有异养或混合生长的能力。综上所述,我们认为环境参数和深度的微小变化推动了热液柱中SUP05生态位的划分。
Niche differentiation of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SUP05) in submarine hydrothermal plumes
Hydrothermal plumes transport reduced chemical species and metals into the open ocean. Despite their considerable spatial scale and impact on biogeochemical cycles, niche differentiation of abundant microbial clades is poorly understood. Here, we analyzed the microbial ecology of two bathy- (Brothers volcano; BrV-cone and northwest caldera; NWC) and a mesopelagic (Macauley volcano; McV) plumes on the Kermadec intra-oceanic arc in the South Pacific Ocean. The microbial community structure, determined by a combination of 16S rRNA gene, fluorescence in situ hybridization and metagenome analysis, was similar to the communities observed in other sulfur-rich plumes. This includes a dominance of the vent characteristic SUP05 clade (up to 22% in McV and 51% in BrV). In each of the three plumes analyzed, the community was dominated by a different yet uncultivated chemoautotrophic SUP05 species, here, provisionally named, Candidatus Thioglobus vadi (McV), Candidatus Thioglobus vulcanius (BrV-cone) and Candidatus Thioglobus plumae (BrV-NWC). Statistical analyses, genomic potential and mRNA expression profiles suggested a SUP05 niche partitioning based on sulfide and iron concentration as well as water depth. A fourth SUP05 species was present at low frequency throughout investigated plume samples and may be capable of heterotrophic or mixotrophic growth. Taken together, we propose that small variations in environmental parameters and depth drive SUP05 niche partitioning in hydrothermal plumes.