周周复始 (2023-03-27 11:08):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41596-023-00806-x. iBEAT V2.0: a multisite-applicable, deep learning-based pipeline for infant cerebral cortical surface reconstruction.2023.为了研究正常和异常的早期大脑发育,用不同的扫描仪和成像方案从多个站点收集了许多婴儿大脑磁共振成像(MRI)。但利用这些多站点成像数据精确地处理和量化婴儿的大脑发育是极具挑战性的,因为髓鞘持续形成和成熟而导致的极低和动态的组织对比,以及由于使用不同的成像协议/扫描仪而导致的不同站点间的数据异质性。现有的计算工具和pipeline通常在婴儿MRI数据上表现不佳。为了解决这些挑战,本文提出了一个鲁棒的、多站点适用的、婴儿定制的计算pipeline,它利用强大的深度学习技术。主要功能包括预处理、脑颅骨剥离、组织分割、拓扑校正、皮层表面表面重建和测量。可以很好地处理T1w和大范围(从出生到6岁)的婴儿大脑结构MRI,并且对不同成像协议/扫描仪差异是有效的,尽管只在BCP上训练。在多站点、多模态和多年龄数据集上与现有方法进行了广泛的比较证明ibeat具有优越的有效性、准确性和鲁棒性。
IF:13.100Q1 Nature protocols, 2023-05. DOI: 10.1038/s41596-023-00806-x PMID: 36869216
iBEAT V2.0: a multisite-applicable, deep learning-based pipeline for infant cerebral cortical surface reconstruction
The human cerebral cortex undergoes dramatic and critical development during early postnatal stages. Benefiting from advances in neuroimaging, many infant brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets have been collected from multiple imaging sites with different scanners and imaging protocols for the investigation of normal and abnormal early brain development. However, it is extremely challenging to precisely process and quantify infant brain development with these multisite imaging data because infant brain MRI scans exhibit (a) extremely low and dynamic tissue contrast caused by ongoing myelination and maturation and (b) inter-site data heterogeneity resulting from the use of diverse imaging protocols/scanners. Consequently, existing computational tools and pipelines typically perform poorly on infant MRI data. To address these challenges, we propose a robust, multisite-applicable, infant-tailored computational pipeline that leverages powerful deep learning techniques. The main functionality of the proposed pipeline includes preprocessing, brain skull stripping, tissue segmentation, topology correction, cortical surface reconstruction and measurement. Our pipeline can handle both T1w and T2w structural infant brain MR images well in a wide age range (from birth to 6 years of age) and is effective for different imaging protocols/scanners, despite being trained only on the data from the Baby Connectome Project. Extensive comparisons with existing methods on multisite, multimodal and multi-age datasets demonstrate superior effectiveness, accuracy and robustness of our pipeline. We have maintained a website, iBEAT Cloud, for users to process their images with our pipeline ( http://www.ibeat.cloud ), which has successfully processed over 16,000 infant MRI scans from more than 100 institutions with various imaging protocols/scanners.