颜林林 (2023-03-12 15:29):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112230 Cell Reports, 2023, FAM193A is a positive regulator of p53 activity. 这是一篇典型的关于药物敏感机制探索的细胞学研究,通过分子细胞生物学方法和高通量筛选技术,找到一个新调控基因,并确认其功能。癌症研究中最著名的基因当属TP53(其蛋白则称为p53),这是个抑癌基因,在癌组织中常表现出发生突变或被异常调控。针对其抑制型调控蛋白(如MDM2和MDM4),设计的化合物抑制剂,可激活或促进p53功能,进而达到治疗癌症的目的。Nutlin正是这样的候选药物分子。然而Nutlin在不同细胞系或患者中的表现却差异巨大,其作用机制尚待深入研究。这篇论文通过对药物敏感数据库的分析,以及采用CRISPR screening技术,在多个不同细胞系中进行高通量筛选,识别出FAM193A蛋白,其与Nutlin药物敏感性密切相关,并通过一系列证据,证明FAM193A在p53通路中起到正向调节作用,为后续机制研究和药物开发提供了新的方向。
IF:7.500Q1 Cell reports, 2023-03-28. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112230 PMID: 36897777
FAM193A is a positive regulator of p53 activity
Inactivation of the p53 tumor suppressor, either by mutations or through hyperactivation of repressors such as MDM2 and MDM4, is a hallmark of cancer. Although many inhibitors of the p53-MDM2/4 interaction have been developed, such as Nutlin, their therapeutic value is limited by highly heterogeneous cellular responses. We report here a multi-omics investigation of the cellular response to MDM2/4 inhibitors, leading to identification of FAM193A as a widespread regulator of p53 function. CRISPR screening identified FAM193A as necessary for the response to Nutlin. FAM193A expression correlates with Nutlin sensitivity across hundreds of cell lines. Furthermore, genetic codependency data highlight FAM193A as a component of the p53 pathway across diverse tumor types. Mechanistically, FAM193A interacts with MDM4, and FAM193A depletion stabilizes MDM4 and inhibits the p53 transcriptional program. Last, FAM193A expression is associated with better prognosis in multiple malignancies. Altogether, these results identify FAM193A as a positive regulator of p53.