Arwen (2023-02-28 21:39):
#paper Multivariate genomic architecture of cortical thickness and surface area at multiple levels of analysis 最近在影像遗传学方面的工作表明,皮层区域内皮层厚度(CT)和表面积(SA)的遗传重叠程度很高。该研究通过应用基因组结构方程模型(Genomic SEM)对这一遗传关系的多变量系统进行建模,并对CT和SA的五个脑部基因组因素以及一个捕捉所有脑区遗传重叠的一般因素进行解析。我们通过证明该模型在独立样本中的普遍性来验证这些因素,并表明这些因素与脑皮层的生物和功能相关分区相一致。我们应用分层基因组SEM来确定特定类别的基因(如神经元细胞类型),这些基因与脑区特定亚群的多态性成正比关系。最后,研究了与精神和认知相关的遗传关系,发现认知功能的广泛与SA的一般因素有关,而与精神方面的关系不明显。这些分析提供了脑皮层两个关键特征的多变量基因组结构的关键见解。
IF:14.700Q1 Nature communications, 2023-02-20. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-36605-x PMID: 36806290
Multivariate genomic architecture of cortical thickness and surface area at multiple levels of analysis
Recent work in imaging genetics suggests high levels of genetic overlap within cortical regions for cortical thickness (CT) and surface area (SA). We model this multivariate system of genetic relationships by applying Genomic Structural Equation Modeling (Genomic SEM) and parsimoniously define five genomic brain factors underlying both CT and SA along with a general factor capturing genetic overlap across all brain regions. We validate these factors by demonstrating the generalizability of the model to a semi-independent sample and show that the factors align with biologically and functionally relevant parcellations of the cortex. We apply Stratified Genomic SEM to identify specific categories of genes (e.g., neuronal cell types) that are disproportionately associated with pleiotropy across specific subclusters of brain regions, as indexed by the genomic factors. Finally, we examine genetic associations with psychiatric and cognitive correlates, finding that broad aspects of cognitive function are associated with a general factor for SA and that psychiatric associations are null. These analyses provide key insights into the multivariate genomic architecture of two critical features of the cerebral cortex.