笑对人生 (2023-01-31 23:51):
#paper Tan J, et al. Cell-type-specific prediction of 3D chromatin organization enables high-throughput in silico genetic screening. Nat Biotechnol. 2023 Jan 9. doi: 10.1038/s41587-022-01612-8.  在过去,三维基因组学的发展已经极大地拓宽了人们对染色质空间结构和相关构象变化对基因表达的影响。然而,受限于时间和技术成本的原因,针对特定细胞类型类型的染色质重塑事件的研究仍存在巨大挑战。本研究利用7份公开的小鼠和人的Hi-C数据,基于Transformer的多模态深度学习框架,以DNA序列信息、CTCF结合状态和ATAC-seq密度特征(非peak特征)作为输入,二维的Hi-C矩阵作为输出,构建了一个名为C.Origami,具有细胞类型特异性的三维基因组构象变化预测模型。该模型不仅de novo预测特定细胞类型的不同层次的基因组结构,而且还可以预测可能影响染色质构象的DNA元件,以及发现导致疾病发生的染色质重塑调控事件。
IF:33.100Q1 Nature biotechnology, 2023-08. DOI: 10.1038/s41587-022-01612-8 PMID: 36624151
Cell-type-specific prediction of 3D chromatin organization enables high-throughput in silico genetic screening
Investigating how chromatin organization determines cell-type-specific gene expression remains challenging. Experimental methods for measuring three-dimensional chromatin organization, such as Hi-C, are costly and have technical limitations, restricting their broad application particularly in high-throughput genetic perturbations. We present C.Origami, a multimodal deep neural network that performs de novo prediction of cell-type-specific chromatin organization using DNA sequence and two cell-type-specific genomic features-CTCF binding and chromatin accessibility. C.Origami enables in silico experiments to examine the impact of genetic changes on chromatin interactions. We further developed an in silico genetic screening approach to assess how individual DNA elements may contribute to chromatin organization and to identify putative cell-type-specific trans-acting regulators that collectively determine chromatin architecture. Applying this approach to leukemia cells and normal T cells, we demonstrate that cell-type-specific in silico genetic screening, enabled by C.Origami, can be used to systematically discover novel chromatin regulation circuits in both normal and disease-related biological systems.