Arwen (2023-01-31 22:38):
#paper, Inflammation and cognition in severe mental illness: patterns of covariation and subgroups, 严重精神疾病(SMI)如精神分裂症(SZ)和双相情感障碍(BD)中免疫/炎症通路失调和认知障碍之间的潜在关系已被提出。然而,外周炎症/免疫相关标记物与认知领域之间的多变量关系尚不清楚,许多研究没有解释认知功能和炎症/免疫状态的个体间差异。本研究旨在研究炎症/免疫相关标记物与认知域之间的协方差模式,并进一步阐明大型SMI和健康对照(HC)队列(SZ=343, BD=289, HC=770)的异质性。应用典型相关分析(CCA)来确定综合选择的认知域和炎症/免疫标记之间的最大共变模式。发现较差的语言学习和精神运动处理速度与较高水平的白细胞介素-18系统细胞因子和β防御素2有关,反映了先天免疫的增强激活,与HC相比,SMI的这种模式有所增强。对CCA确定的协方差模式进行分层聚类,发现以HC为主的高认知-低免疫失调亚组(24% SZ, 45% BD, 74% HC)和以SMI患者为主的低认知-高免疫失调亚组(76% SZ, 55% BD, 26% HC)。这些亚组在智商、受教育年限、年龄、CRP、BMI(所有组)、功能水平、症状和抗精神病药物的限定日剂量(DDD) (SMI队列)方面存在差异。
Inflammation and cognition in severe mental illness: patterns of covariation and subgroups
AbstractA potential relationship between dysregulation of immune/inflammatory pathways and cognitive impairment has been suggested in severe mental illnesses (SMI), such as schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar (BD) spectrum disorders. However, multivariate relationships between peripheral inflammatory/immune-related markers and cognitive domains are unclear, and many studies do not account for inter-individual variance in both cognitive functioning and inflammatory/immune status. This study aimed to investigate covariance patterns between inflammatory/immune-related markers and cognitive domains and further elucidate heterogeneity in a large SMI and healthy control (HC) cohort (SZ = 343, BD = 289, HC = 770). We applied canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to identify modes of maximum covariation between a comprehensive selection of cognitive domains and inflammatory/immune markers. We found that poor verbal learning and psychomotor processing speed was associated with higher levels of interleukin-18 system cytokines and beta defensin 2, reflecting enhanced activation of innate immunity, a pattern augmented in SMI compared to HC. Applying hierarchical clustering on covariance patterns identified by the CCA revealed a high cognition—low immune dysregulation subgroup with predominantly HC (24% SZ, 45% BD, 74% HC) and a low cognition—high immune dysregulation subgroup predominantly consisting of SMI patients (76% SZ, 55% BD, 26% HC). These subgroups differed in IQ, years of education, age, CRP, BMI (all groups), level of functioning, symptoms and defined daily dose (DDD) of antipsychotics (SMI cohort). Our findings suggest a link between cognitive impairment and innate immune dysregulation in a subset of individuals with severe mental illness.