张德祥 (2023-01-06 18:42):
#paper https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2212.12393 A-NeSI: A Scalable Approximate Method for Probabilistic Neurosymbolic Inference 这篇论文受GFlownet启发,首次在MNIST ADD的训练上达到了 15位数的加法训练,人造算数天才指日可待。结合神经网络和符号计算 。
A-NeSI: A Scalable Approximate Method for Probabilistic Neurosymbolic Inference
We study the problem of combining neural networks with symbolic reasoning. Recently introduced frameworks for Probabilistic Neurosymbolic Learning (PNL), such as DeepProbLog, perform exponential-time exact inference, limiting the scalability of PNL solutions. We introduce Approximate Neurosymbolic Inference (A-NeSI): a new framework for PNL that uses neural networks for scalable approximate inference. A-NeSI 1) performs approximate inference in polynomial time without changing the semantics of probabilistic logics; 2) is trained using data generated by the background knowledge; 3) can generate symbolic explanations of predictions; and 4) can guarantee the satisfaction of logical constraints at test time, which is vital in safety-critical applications. Our experiments show that A-NeSI is the first end-to-end method to scale the Multi-digit MNISTAdd benchmark to sums of 15 MNIST digits, up from 4 in competing systems. Finally, our experiments show that A-NeSI achieves explainability and safety without a penalty in performance.