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#paper doi:10.1186/s13059-022-02816-6 Genome Biology, 2022, Structural variant analysis of a cancer reference cell line sample using multiple sequencing technologies. 结构变异(SV)检测一直是基因组研究中充满挑战的一项工作。本文来自SEQC2(Sequencing Quality Control Phase 2)consortium。通过来自同一捐献者的乳腺癌组织及对照样本(外周血白细胞),分别构建了细胞系,作为研究材料。分别使用Illumina短读长测序、10x linked-reads测序、PacBio 和 Nanopore 长读长测序,以及 Hi-C测序,由此整合并最终鉴定出1788个SV。之后,又使用PCR方法、芯片方法、Bionano光学图谱、RNA-seq鉴别融合断点等独立的技术方法,对其中一部分结果进行验证,并评估了各技术平台对SV鉴定的性能。文章最终输出了一套SV参考集合,可用于各类SV方法的基准评估。
Structural variant analysis of a cancer reference cell line sample using multiple sequencing technologies
Abstract Background The cancer genome is commonly altered with thousands of structural rearrangements including insertions, deletions, translocation, inversions, duplications, and copy number variations. Thus, structural variant (SV) characterization plays a paramount role in cancer target identification, oncology diagnostics, and personalized medicine. As part of the SEQC2 Consortium effort, the present study established and evaluated a consensus SV call set using a breast cancer reference cell line and matched normal control derived from the same donor, which were used in our companion benchmarking studies as reference samples. Results We systematically investigated somatic SVs in the reference cancer cell line by comparing to a matched normal cell line using multiple NGS platforms including Illumina short-read, 10X Genomics linked reads, PacBio long reads, Oxford Nanopore long reads, and high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C). We established a consensus SV call set of a total of 1788 SVs including 717 deletions, 230 duplications, 551 insertions, 133 inversions, 146 translocations, and 11 breakends for the reference cancer cell line. To independently evaluate and cross-validate the accuracy of our consensus SV call set, we used orthogonal methods including PCR-based validation, Affymetrix arrays, Bionano optical mapping, and identification of fusion genes detected from RNA-seq. We evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of each NGS technology for SV determination, and our findings provide an actionable guide to improve cancer genome SV detection sensitivity and accuracy. Conclusions A high-confidence consensus SV call set was established for the reference cancer cell line. A large subset of the variants identified was validated by multiple orthogonal methods.