王昊 (2022-12-31 23:57):
#paper https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08687v2 Jing Shao, Siyu Chen, Yangguang Li, et al. 2021. INTERN: A New Learning Paradigm Towards General Vision. 视觉基础模型的论文。“书生”(INTERN),旨在系统化解决当下人工智能视觉领域中存在的任务通用、场景泛化和数据效率等一系列瓶颈问题。“书生”由七大模块组成,包括通用视觉数据系统、通用视觉网络结构、通用视觉评测基准三个基础设施模块,以及区分上下游的四个训练阶段模块。多个阶段中学习到了很强的泛化能力。其可以在26个数据集上实现CV中的四类任务,仅使用10%的训练数据进行微调,性能便优于全套数据训练的对应模型。
INTERN: A New Learning Paradigm Towards General Vision
Enormous waves of technological innovations over the past several years, marked by the advances in AI technologies, are profoundly reshaping the industry and the society. However, down the road, a key challenge awaits us, that is, our capability of meeting rapidly-growing scenario-specific demands is severely limited by the cost of acquiring a commensurate amount of training data. This difficult situation is in essence due to limitations of the mainstream learning paradigm: we need to train a new model for each new scenario, based on a large quantity of well-annotated data and commonly from scratch. In tackling this fundamental problem, we move beyond and develop a new learning paradigm named INTERN. By learning with supervisory signals from multiple sources in multiple stages, the model being trained will develop strong generalizability. We evaluate our model on 26 well-known datasets that cover four categories of tasks in computer vision. In most cases, our models, adapted with only 10% of the training data in the target domain, outperform the counterparts trained with the full set of data, often by a significant margin. This is an important step towards a promising prospect where such a model with general vision capability can dramatically reduce our reliance on data, thus expediting the adoption of AI technologies. Furthermore, revolving around our new paradigm, we also introduce a new data system, a new architecture, and a new benchmark, which, together, form a general vision ecosystem to support its future development in an open and inclusive manner. See project website at this https URL .