Ricardo (2022-12-31 23:50):
#paper http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.media.2015.04.005 Construction of 4D high-definition cortical surface atlases of infants: Methods and applications 在神经影像学中,皮层表面图谱在空间归一化、分析、可视化以及个体和不同研究结果的比较中发挥着重要作用。然而,现有的为成人创建的皮层表面图谱并不适合出生后头两年的婴儿大脑,这是出生后高度折叠的大脑皮层结构和功能发育最活跃的时期。因此非常需要婴儿时期的大脑皮层表面的时空图谱集,但目前仍缺乏精细的早期动态脑发育图谱。为了弥补这一重大差距,作者利用团队开发的婴儿皮层表面分析计算管道和自己获得的纵向MRI数据集,基于35名健康婴儿的202个系列MRI扫描,构建了第一个时空(4D)高清皮层表面地图集,用于七个时间点的动态发育研究,包括1、3、6、9、12、18和24个月龄。
IF:10.700Q1 Medical image analysis, 2015-Oct. DOI: 10.1016/j.media.2015.04.005 PMID: 25980388
Construction of 4D high-definition cortical surface atlases of infants: Methods and applications
In neuroimaging, cortical surface atlases play a fundamental role for spatial normalization, analysis, visualization, and comparison of results across individuals and different studies. However, existing cortical surface atlases created for adults are not suitable for infant brains during the first two postnatal years, which is the most dynamic period of postnatal structural and functional development of the highly-folded cerebral cortex. Therefore, spatiotemporal cortical surface atlases for infant brains are highly desired yet still lacking for accurate mapping of early dynamic brain development. To bridge this significant gap, leveraging our infant-dedicated computational pipeline for cortical surface-based analysis and the unique longitudinal infant MRI dataset acquired in our research center, in this paper, we construct the first spatiotemporal (4D) high-definition cortical surface atlases for the dynamic developing infant cortical structures at seven time points, including 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months of age, based on 202 serial MRI scans from 35 healthy infants. For this purpose, we develop a novel method to ensure the longitudinal consistency and unbiasedness to any specific subject and age in our 4D infant cortical surface atlases. Specifically, we first compute the within-subject mean cortical folding by unbiased groupwise registration of longitudinal cortical surfaces of each infant. Then we establish longitudinally-consistent and unbiased inter-subject cortical correspondences by groupwise registration of the geometric features of within-subject mean cortical folding across all infants. Our 4D surface atlases capture both longitudinally-consistent dynamic mean shape changes and the individual variability of cortical folding during early brain development. Experimental results on two independent infant MRI datasets show that using our 4D infant cortical surface atlases as templates leads to significantly improved accuracy for spatial normalization of cortical surfaces across infant individuals, in comparison to the infant surface atlases constructed without longitudinal consistency and also the FreeSurfer adult surface atlas. Moreover, based on our 4D infant surface atlases, for the first time, we reveal the spatially-detailed, region-specific correlation patterns of the dynamic cortical developmental trajectories between different cortical regions during early brain development.