Vincent (2022-12-31 17:51):
#paper DNA methylation aging clocks: challenges and recommendations, Genome Biology, 2019, 衰老通常伴随着疾病的发生,理解人类为何以及如何衰老是生物学中的重要课题。衰老伴随着分子层面的变化,过去十年内,不少研究发现可以使用基因组上的一部分CpG位点甲基化水平来准确预测年龄,这样的一组CpG位点又被称为 表观遗传时钟。事实上表观遗传时钟的预测误差与疾病发生率和死亡率也被发现有联系,从而广泛引起了研究者们的兴趣。这篇综述文章总结了表观遗传时钟领域的如下七大挑战,并分别介绍了研究现状,不确定性和未来研究方向的推荐:1. 拆分表观时钟的时序成分和生物成分;2. 组织特异或者疾病特异时钟的功能性研究;3.大规模时序种群研究的表观遗传学整合; 4. 衰老的全基因组分析以及其他表观遗传标记物的探索;5. 衰老与疾病的单细胞组学分析; 6. 稳健产生其他物种的衰老数据; 7. 将表观遗传学与遗传学的伦理和法律框架融合起来。个人感觉文章质量一般
IF:10.100Q1 Genome biology, 2019-11-25. DOI: 10.1186/s13059-019-1824-y PMID: 31767039
DNA methylation aging clocks: challenges and recommendations
Epigenetic clocks comprise a set of CpG sites whose DNA methylation levels measure subject age. These clocks are acknowledged as a highly accurate molecular correlate of chronological age in humans and other vertebrates. Also, extensive research is aimed at their potential to quantify biological aging rates and test longevity or rejuvenating interventions. Here, we discuss key challenges to understand clock mechanisms and biomarker utility. This requires dissecting the drivers and regulators of age-related changes in single-cell, tissue- and disease-specific models, as well as exploring other epigenomic marks, longitudinal and diverse population studies, and non-human models. We also highlight important ethical issues in forensic age determination and predicting the trajectory of biological aging in an individual.