cellsarts (2022-11-30 23:32):
# paper doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2004.09.012;J. Mol. Biol. (2004) 343, 1281–1292;青霉beta-半乳糖苷酶、及其与半乳糖的配合物的晶体结构.Crystal Structures of b-Galactosidase from Penicillium sp. and its Complex with Galactose.b-半乳糖苷酶催化低聚糖中beta(1-3)和beta(1-4)半乳糖键的水解以及酶缩合和转糖基化的逆反应。本文报道了青霉菌beta-半乳糖苷酶及其与半乳糖配合物的晶体结构,是利用SIRAS快速冷冻浸泡技术在1.90 A˚和2.10 A˚精度下分别解析。该120 kDa蛋白的氨基酸序列首先通过实验电子密度图的检测确定,然后通过核苷酸序列分析确定。初步结构比对显示青霉beta--半乳糖苷酶属于糖基水解酶(GHF-35)第35家族。该模型是GHF-35成员的第一个解析出的3D结构。组成该结构的五个不同结构域以beta-半乳糖苷酶以前未见过的方式组合。该配合物与其他来自几个水解酶家族的beta-半乳糖苷酶配合物的比对显示残基Glu200将被鉴定为质子供体,残基Glu299被鉴定为参与催化的亲核试剂。青霉菌b-半乳糖苷酶是一种含有七个N -链接的的低聚糖链的糖蛋白。是迄今为止唯一解析的晶体结构的糖基化的beta-半乳糖苷酶。
Crystal Structures of β-Galactosidase from Penicillium sp. and its Complex with Galactose
β-Galactosidases catalyze the hydrolysis of β(1-3) and β(1-4) galactosyl bonds in oligosaccharides as well as the inverse reaction of enzymatic condensation and transglycosylation. Here we report the crystallographic structures of Penicillium sp. β-galactosidase and its complex with galactose solved by the SIRAS quick cryo-soaking technique at 1.90 Å and 2.10 Å resolution, respectively. The amino acid sequence of this 120 kDa protein was first assigned putatively on the basis of inspection of the experimental electron density maps and then determined by nucleotide sequence analysis. Primary structure alignments reveal that Penicillium sp. β-galactosidase belongs to family 35 of glycosyl hydrolases (GHF-35). This model is the first 3D structure for a member of GHF-35. Five distinct domains which comprise the structure are assembled in a way previously unobserved for β-galactosidases. Superposition of this complex with other β-galactosidase complexes from several hydrolase families allowed the identification of residue Glu200 as the proton donor and residue Glu299 as the nucleophile involved in catalysis. Penicillium sp. β-galactosidase is a glycoprotein containing seven N-linked oligosaccharide chains and is the only structure of a glycosylated β-galactosidase described to date.