张德祥 (2022-11-14 14:39):
#paper https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2210.12761 Path integrals, particular kinds, and strange things FEP 是一个第一原理解释或方法,可以应用于任何“事物”, 以某种方式消除物理学、生物学和心理学之间的界限。 这种应用认可了许多关于感知行为和自组织的规范性解释。 范围从控制论到协同学(敖,2004;阿什比,1979 年;哈肯,1983;凯尔索,2021); 从强化学习到人工好奇心(巴尔托等人,2013;施密德胡伯,1991;萨顿和巴尔托,1981 年;Tsividis 等人,2021 年); 从预测处理到通用计算(Clark,2013bHohwy,2016;赫特,2006); 从模型预测控制到empowerment(Hafner 等人,2020;Klyubin 等人,2005),等等。 文章用统计物理学和信息论的标准结果来解开上面叙述的论点。
Path integrals, particular kinds, and strange things
This paper describes a path integral formulation of the free energy principle. The ensuing account expresses the paths or trajectories that a particle takes as it evolves over time. The main results are a method or principle of least action that can be used to emulate the behaviour of particles in open exchange with their external milieu. Particles are defined by a particular partition, in which internal states are individuated from external states by active and sensory blanket states. The variational principle at hand allows one to interpret internal dynamics - of certain kinds of particles - as inferring external states that are hidden behind blanket states. We consider different kinds of particles, and to what extent they can be imbued with an elementary form of inference or sentience. Specifically, we consider the distinction between dissipative and conservative particles, inert and active particles and, finally, ordinary and strange particles. Strange particles (look as if they) infer their own actions, endowing them with apparent autonomy or agency. In short - of the kinds of particles afforded by a particular partition - strange kinds may be apt for describing sentient behaviour.