(2022-10-27 09:36):
#paper doi:#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-022-01468-y Haplotype-aware analysis of somatic copy number variations from single-cell transcriptomes.
基因组不稳定性和转录程序的异常改变都在癌症中发挥重要作用。单细胞 RNA 测序 (scRNA-seq) 在一次检测中能够同时研究肿瘤异质性的遗传和非遗传来源。虽然有许多工具可以从外显子组和全基因组测序数据中识别CNV,针对单细胞RNA-seq数据中检测CNV的方法非常稀缺。常用的inferCNV和copyKAT都只是利用转录组的基因表达信息进行CNV推断。最近,哈佛医学院的研究者提出了一种计算方法,Numbat,它将基于群体的定相(population-based phasing)获得的单倍型信息与等位基因和表达信号相结合,能准确推断单个细胞中的等位基因特异性CNV并重建它们的谱系关系。也就是说它通过基因表达和等位基因两个证据链,进行联合推断,避免CNV推断误判。Numbat利用亚克隆之间的进化关系来迭代推断单细胞拷贝数分布和肿瘤克隆系统发育。比其他工具进行基准测试,对包括多发性骨髓瘤、胃癌、乳腺癌和甲状腺癌在内的 22 个肿瘤样本的分析表明,Numbat可以重建肿瘤拷贝数分布,并准确识别肿瘤微环境中的恶性细胞。Numbat 不需要样本匹配的 DNA 数据,也不需要先验基因分型,适用于广泛的实验环境和癌症类型。总之,Numbat 可以扩展单细胞RNA-seq数据来探测细胞的CNV景观以及转录组景观。需要思考的是我们可能需要更多不同遗传背景的人群定相单倍型信息来辅助推断。另外,肿瘤基线倍性估计仍是拷贝数分析中的有挑战性的问题。
Haplotype-aware analysis of somatic copy number variations from single-cell transcriptomes
Genome instability and aberrant alterations of transcriptional programs both play important roles in cancer. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has the potential to investigate both genetic and nongenetic sources of tumor heterogeneity in a single assay. Here we present a computational method, Numbat, that integrates haplotype information obtained from population-based phasing with allele and expression signals to enhance detection of copy number variations from scRNA-seq. Numbat exploits the evolutionary relationships between subclones to iteratively infer single-cell copy number profiles and tumor clonal phylogeny. Analysis of 22 tumor samples, including multiple myeloma, gastric, breast and thyroid cancers, shows that Numbat can reconstruct the tumor copy number profile and precisely identify malignant cells in the tumor microenvironment. We identify genetic subpopulations with transcriptional signatures relevant to tumor progression and therapy resistance. Numbat requires neither sample-matched DNA data nor a priori genotyping, and is applicable to a wide range of experimental settings and cancer types.