颜林林 (2022-09-16 23:18):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2022.08.019 Molecular Cell, 2022, Developmental and housekeeping transcriptional programs in Drosophila require distinct chromatin remodelers. 这篇文章吸引到我,是因为浏览它时,我看到了两个词,“Drosophila(果蝇)”和“auxin(植物生长素)”,于是很好奇这两者是怎么联系起来的。过去在生物专业课上,就听说过植物生长素在植物研究领域中的至尊江湖地位。这篇文章提及一项技术“auxin-inducible degradation (AID)”,源自2009年的一篇Nature Methods文章(doi:10.1038/nmeth.1401),该技术通过为目标蛋白加入一段特定序列,使得在有植物生长素的情况下,能引发蛋白泛素化降解机制,从而可以人为控制蛋白的降解过程。由于泛素化降解是一个广泛存在于不同物种的机制,这项技术就可以应用于非植物的各种生物体系中。本文通过这项技术,对果蝇的看家基因(house keeping gene)和发育基因(developmental gene)进行了研究,前者普遍表达于所有类型细胞,后者则只在特定组织器官类型的细胞中表达。通过人为控制相应基因的蛋白降解,揭示了两类基因在染色质重塑(chromatin remodelling)及其他相关特征上的差异。
IF:14.500Q1 Molecular cell, 2022-10-06. DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2022.08.019 PMID: 36113480
Developmental and housekeeping transcriptional programs in Drosophila require distinct chromatin remodelers
Gene transcription is a highly regulated process in all animals. In Drosophila, two major transcriptional programs, housekeeping and developmental, have promoters with distinct regulatory compatibilities and nucleosome organization. However, it remains unclear how the differences in chromatin structure relate to the distinct regulatory properties and which chromatin remodelers are required for these programs. Using rapid degradation of core remodeler subunits in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells, we demonstrate that developmental gene transcription requires SWI/SNF-type complexes, primarily to maintain distal enhancer accessibility. In contrast, wild-type-level housekeeping gene transcription requires the Iswi and Ino80 remodelers to maintain nucleosome positioning and phasing at promoters. These differential remodeler dependencies relate to different DNA-sequence-intrinsic nucleosome affinities, which favor a default ON state for housekeeping but a default OFF state for developmental gene transcription. Overall, our results demonstrate how different transcription-regulatory strategies are implemented by DNA sequence, chromatin structure, and remodeler activity.