张德祥 (2022-09-16 09:57):
#paper DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijar.2021.09.012 Strudel: A fast and accurate learner of structured-decomposable probabilistic circuits Probabilistic circuits (PCs)将概率分布表示为计算图,并添加图结构属性保证推理计算效率。 结构化可分解是一个吸引人的属性。 它能够有效和精确地计算复杂逻辑公式的概率,并可用于在缺失数据的情况下推理某些预测模型的预期输出。 本文提出一种简单、快速、准确的结构化可分解 PCs 学习算法 Strudel: STRUctured-DEcomposable Learner,从数据中直接学习概率计算图网络。
Strudel: A fast and accurate learner of structured-decomposable probabilistic circuits
Probabilistic circuits (PCs) represent a probability distribution as a computational graph. Enforcing structural properties on these graphs guarantees that several inference scenarios become tractable. Among these properties, structured decomposability is a particularly appealing one: it enables the efficient and exact computations of the probability of complex logical formulas, and can be used to reason about the expected output of certain predictive models under missing data. This paper proposes Strudel, a simple, fast and accurate learning algorithm for structured-decomposable PCs. Compared to prior work for learning structured-decomposable PCs, Strudel delivers more accurate single PC models in fewer iterations, and dramatically scales learning when building ensembles of PCs. It achieves this scalability by exploiting another structural property of PCs, called determinism, and by sharing the same computational graph across mixture components. We show these advantages on standard density estimation benchmarks and challenging inference scenarios.