小擎子 (2022-08-31 23:41):
#paper doi: 10.1126/science.aaw7479 Nature, 2022, Akkermansia muciniphila phospholipid induces homeostatic immune responses. 找到了明星益生菌Akk调节免疫的物质a15:0-i15:0 PE,解释了其作用机制。a15:0-i15:0 PE是Akk菌膜脂质的主要成分之一。Akk菌隶属于疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia),是肠道微生物中唯一一个来自疣微菌门的细菌。大海捞针式的研究,对什么样的生长环境能使Akk菌产生a15:0-i15:0 PE比较好奇。
Akkermansia muciniphila induces intestinal adaptive immune responses during homeostasis
Intestinal adaptive immune responses influence host health, yet only a few intestinal bacteria species that induce cognate adaptive immune responses during homeostasis have been identified. Here, we show that , an intestinal bacterium associated with systemic effects on host metabolism and PD-1 checkpoint immunotherapy, induces immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) antibodies and antigen-specific T cell responses in mice. Unlike previously characterized mucosal responses, T cell responses to are limited to T follicular helper cells in a gnotobiotic setting, without appreciable induction of other T helper fates or migration to the lamina propria. However, -specific responses are context dependent and adopt other fates in conventional mice. These findings suggest that, during homeostasis, contextual signals influence T cell responses to the microbiota and modulate host immune function.