象棋 (2022-08-31 22:56):
#paper doi:10.1073/pnas.1719616115, PNAS, (2018), Mid-level visual features underlie the high-level categorical organization of the ventral stream. 这篇文章说明大脑的腹侧枕颞叶区域(VOTC)加工的是Mid-level(物体的大小属性、有无生命等特征)信息。研究者使用了一种纹理合成算法,这种算法生成的texforms保留了物体图片Mid-level的信息,但又不被识别出来是什么东西。然后分析texforms和原图在VOTC的激活,结果发现二者的激活非常相似,这说明VOTC区实际上加工的是物体Mid-level的信息。
Mid-level visual features underlie the high-level categorical organization of the ventral stream
Human object-selective cortex shows a large-scale organization characterized by the high-level properties of both animacy and object size. To what extent are these neural responses explained by primitive perceptual features that distinguish animals from objects and big objects from small objects? To address this question, we used a texture synthesis algorithm to create a class of stimuli-texforms-which preserve some mid-level texture and form information from objects while rendering them unrecognizable. We found that unrecognizable texforms were sufficient to elicit the large-scale organizations of object-selective cortex along the entire ventral pathway. Further, the structure in the neural patterns elicited by texforms was well predicted by curvature features and by intermediate layers of a deep convolutional neural network, supporting the mid-level nature of the representations. These results provide clear evidence that a substantial portion of ventral stream organization can be accounted for by coarse texture and form information without requiring explicit recognition of intact objects.