Ricardo (2022-08-31 20:15):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.media.2020.101939 Image registration: Maximum likelihood, minimum entropy and deep learning 这篇文章系统的整理了基于信息理论的配准算法,并构建了一个基于极大似然估计的信息论框架囊括了成对配准算法和组配准算法。核心内容没有很多,就是废话有点多。
Image registration: Maximum likelihood, minimum entropy and deep learning
In this work, we propose a theoretical framework based on maximum profile likelihood for pairwise and groupwise registration. By an asymptotic analysis, we demonstrate that maximum profile likelihood registration minimizes an upper bound on the joint entropy of the distribution that generates the joint image data. Further, we derive the congealing method for groupwise registration by optimizing the profile likelihood in closed form, and using coordinate ascent, or iterative model refinement. We also describe a method for feature based registration in the same framework and demonstrate it on groupwise tractographic registration. In the second part of the article, we propose an approach to deep metric registration that implements maximum likelihood registration using deep discriminative classifiers. We show further that this approach can be used for maximum profile likelihood registration to discharge the need for well-registered training data, using iterative model refinement. We demonstrate that the method succeeds on a challenging registration problem where the standard mutual information approach does not perform well.