沈么是快乐星球 (2022-08-31 17:41):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41438-020-0329-x Horticulture Research 2020 桔梗基因组 本文使用了基因组转录组甲基化联合分析,首先进行了基础的基因组组装注释和进化分析,再从基因和表观遗遗传学角度深度解析了参与桔梗皂苷合成过程相关基因家族。主要结果如下:1)Genome assembly of P. grandiflorus桔梗基因组组装:二倍体,680Mb,BUSCO96.9%,杂合度较低,组装较好(平均采样深度的频率处k-mer缺失相对较低、能比对上的reads占98%,未组装的2%) 2)Genome annotation of P. grandiflorus桔梗基因组注释:鉴定了9027个转录因子,其中bHLH家族最大,并在该家族发现了4个TSAR基因重复序列(调节色氨酸合酶的β亚基合成),其中只有PGJG172350在根、茎、叶、花中表达,表明其可能参与桔梗皂苷合成。含有36.2%重复序列。 3)Evolution of the P. grandiflorus genome in the Asterid lineage 桔梗在菊亚纲中的进化分析。使用人参、三七、胡萝卜、向日葵进行比较基因组学分析。以往研究表明,CYP450与YGT基因家族参与三萜皂苷合成,因此重点关注两个家族在基因组中的进化情况。4)Expansion of the CYP716 family contributes to the diversification of platycoside scaffolds in P. grandiflorus CYP716家族的扩增促进了桔梗中桔梗皂苷支架结构的多样化。统计了7个物种内与TS支架相关的158个基因,桔梗的35个基因中,扩增的基因家族有三个:a)CYP716A亚家族最多,CYP716A12, CYP716A140, and CYP716A75,仅在桔梗中发现。b)CYP716S5,与杂环皂素合成相关,该物质可药用,但在桔梗中量很少。c)CYP72A154催化β-amyrin骨架的C-30羟基化。5)Divergent expression of the CYP716 family genes in different tissues of P. grandifloras CYP716基因家族在桔梗不同组织中的差异表达 a)详细描述了个个基因在不同组织中的表达量,并得出结论,表达量的差异是导致桔梗不同部位中桔梗皂苷积累量不同的原因。b)外源施加激素可以使TS相关基因高表达,对桔梗施加12, 24, and 48 h.检测表达量发现两个CYP716家族基因PGJG086700 (CYP716A140)和PGJG310130 (CYP716A141)在所有三个时间点的根中都有高表达,暗示可能与桔梗皂苷合成相关。6)Genomic expansion and divergent expression of TSB- related genes in P. grandifloras桔梗TSB相关基因的扩张及表达差异 筛选TSB合成相关通路基因,分析保守结构域,通过蛋白结构域和系统发育分析,在7种模式植物中共鉴定出了827个tsb相关基因。系统发育表明,桔梗中含有GGPS基因簇,但在组织中表达量均不高;bAS也有大量重复,具有组织特异性,根中高表达;DDS在根中均低表达,为桔梗中达玛型TS更少的原因。7)Hypomethylation of CYP716 and bAS genes of P. grandifloras 桔梗中CYP716 and bAS基因家族低甲基化。将MJ处理后的三个样本做甲基化测序,CYP450家族和其他tsb相关基因在桔梗中可能是低甲基化的,表明两个基因家族表观遗传变化影响桔梗皂苷生物合成。
Whole-genome, transcriptome, and methylome analyses provide insights into the evolution of platycoside biosynthesis in Platycodon grandiflorus, a medicinal plant
Triterpenoid saponins (TSs) are common plant defense phytochemicals with potential pharmaceutical properties. (Campanulaceae) has been traditionally used to treat bronchitis and asthma in East Asia. The oleanane-type TSs, platycosides, are a major component of the root extract. Recent studies show that platycosides exhibit anti-inflammatory, antiobesity, anticancer, antiviral, and antiallergy properties. However, the evolutionary history of platycoside biosynthesis genes remains unknown. In this study, we sequenced the genome of and investigated the genes involved in platycoside biosynthesis. The draft genome of is 680.1 Mb long and contains 40,017 protein-coding genes. Genomic analysis revealed that the family genes play a major role in platycoside oxidation. The gene family of was much larger than that of other Asterid species. Orthologous gene annotation also revealed the expansion of () in , which was confirmed by tissue-specific gene expression. In these expanded gene families, we identified key genes showing preferential expression in roots and association with platycoside biosynthesis. In addition, whole-genome bisulfite sequencing showed that and genes are hypomethylated in , suggesting that epigenetic modification of these two gene families affects platycoside biosynthesis. Thus whole-genome, transcriptome, and methylome data of provide novel insights into the regulation of platycoside biosynthesis by and gene families.