颜林林 (2022-08-18 00:34):
#paper doi:10.1186/s12859-022-04876-8 BMC Bioinformatics, 2022, IMSE: interaction information attention and molecular structure based drug drug interaction extraction. 让机器自动读取大量论文,并从中提炼有用信息,是很多人的梦想,BERT等模型让这件事逐步成为现实。本文便是基于PubMed摘要和PMC全文,进行BioBERT预训练,并由此改进DDIExtraction 2013的任务执行性能,该任务旨在从生物医学领域的自由文本中提取药物间相互作用(drug-drug interaction, DDI)。关于这项任务已有不少研究工作,本文引入了交互注意力向量(interaction attention vector),以及加入药物分子结构(以利用其特征空间信息)等,来改善模型性能及可解释性,取得不错的效果。
IF:2.900Q1 BMC bioinformatics, 2022-Aug-14. DOI: 10.1186/s12859-022-04876-8 PMID: 35965308
IMSE: interaction information attention and molecular structure based drug drug interaction extraction
BACKGROUND: Extraction of drug drug interactions from biomedical literature and other textual data is an important component to monitor drug-safety and this has attracted attention of many researchers in healthcare. Existing works are more pivoted around relation extraction using bidirectional long short-term memory networks (BiLSTM) and BERT model which does not attain the best feature representations.RESULTS: Our proposed DDI (drug drug interaction) prediction model provides multiple advantages: (1) The newly proposed attention vector is added to better deal with the problem of overlapping relations, (2) The molecular structure information of drugs is integrated into the model to better express the functional group structure of drugs, (3) We also added text features that combined the T-distribution and chi-square distribution to make the model more focused on drug entities and (4) it achieves similar or better prediction performance (F-scores up to 85.16%) compared to state-of-the-art DDI models when tested on benchmark datasets.CONCLUSIONS: Our model that leverages state of the art transformer architecture in conjunction with multiple features can bolster the performances of drug drug interation tasks in the biomedical domain. In particular, we believe our research would be helpful in identification of potential adverse drug reactions.