王昊 (2022-08-05 23:08):
#paper doi:10.1109/ICCV48922.2021.01307 [ZHANG F Z, CAMPBELL D, GOULD S. Spatially Conditioned Graphs for Detecting Human–Object Interactions[C/OL]//2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). 2021: 13299-13307. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCV48922.2021.01307. 本文使用GNN处理图像中人-物交互(HOI)的任务。在传统方法中,节点向它们的每个邻居发送与其它节点同质消息,本文根据它们的空间关系来调节节点对之间的消息传递内容,从而使得不同的消息发送到同一节点的邻居。其中用到了配对的二向图的概念和各向异性消息传递算法.多维度的数据的融合使用了MBF网络.本文是2021ICCV文章,在当年性能还行.可作为场景图生成(SGG)任务的子任务.
Spatially Conditioned Graphs for Detecting Human–Object Interactions
We address the problem of detecting human–object interactions in images using graphical neural networks. Unlike conventional methods, where nodes send scaled but otherwise identical messages to each of their neighbours, we propose to condition messages between pairs of nodes on their spatial relationships, resulting in different messages going to neighbours of the same node. To this end, we explore various ways of applying spatial conditioning under a multi-branch structure. Through extensive experimentation we demonstrate the advantages of spatial conditioning for the computation of the adjacency structure, messages and the refined graph features. In particular, we empirically show that as the quality of the bounding boxes increases, their coarse appearance features contribute relatively less to the disambiguation of interactions compared to the spatial information. Our method achieves an mAP of 31.33% on HICO-DET and 54.2% on V-COCO, significantly outperforming state-of-the-art on fine-tuned detections.