颜林林 (2022-07-30 01:17):
#paper doi:10.15252/msb.202211017 Molecular Systems Biology, 2022, Computational estimation of quality and clinical relevance of cancer cell lines. 这是一篇关于肿瘤细胞系的综述,主要考察公开并被广泛使用的各肿瘤细胞系的质量。文章首先概述了当前不同癌种的细胞系公共资源,包括相应的多组学数据。接着,介绍可能对细胞系质量产生影响的因素,如交叉污染、传代过程中的突变积累、缺少微环境因素、分子和细胞状态等层面的异质性等。然后,针对这些问题,可以如何进行评估,综述了相应的不同计算方法(含工具)。最后,在讨论部分,展望未来的改进方向,诸如多组学整合、迁移学习的引入、单细胞数据的使用、可解释性的提高等。细胞系是肿瘤研究的重要体系,本文对其相应的资源选择和分析评估方法,都系统性地提供了汇总信息。
Computational estimation of quality and clinical relevance of cancer cell lines
Immortal cancer cell lines (CCLs) are the most widely used system for investigating cancer biology and for the preclinical development of oncology therapies. Pharmacogenomic and genome-wide editing screenings have facilitated the discovery of clinically relevant gene-drug interactions and novel therapeutic targets via large panels of extensively characterised CCLs. However, tailoring pharmacological strategies in a precision medicine context requires bridging the existing gaps between tumours and in vitro models. Indeed, intrinsic limitations of CCLs such as misidentification, the absence of tumour microenvironment and genetic drift have highlighted the need to identify the most faithful CCLs for each primary tumour while addressing their heterogeneity, with the development of new models where necessary. Here, we discuss the most significant limitations of CCLs in representing patient features, and we review computational methods aiming at systematically evaluating the suitability of CCLs as tumour proxies and identifying the best patient representative in vitro models. Additionally, we provide an overview of the applications of these methods to more complex models and discuss future machine-learning-based directions that could resolve some of the arising discrepancies.