洪媛媛 (2022-07-29 14:23):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-31765-8 Nat Commun 13, 4248 (2022). Accurate somatic variant detection using weakly supervised deep learning。肿瘤体细胞突变的calling一般使用统计学方法结合过滤条件来确定。这篇文章使用一种命名为“VarNet" 的深度学习方法,利用配对的肿瘤和正常DNA数据来确定体细胞突变。VarNet利用已知突变和非突变答案的肿瘤DNA和它配对正常DNA序列信息,将每个位点的base, base quality, mapping quality, strand bias 和 the reference base信息形成多维矩阵来训练模型,预测每个位置存在突变的概率。接着又在4套publicly available benchmark datasets比较VarNet和另外4种已发表方法,calling突变的Precision和recall能力,证明VarNet优于现有的4种方法。
IF:14.700Q1 Nature communications, 2022-07-22. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-31765-8 PMID: 35869060
Accurate somatic variant detection using weakly supervised deep learning
Identification of somatic mutations in tumor samples is commonly based on statistical methods in combination with heuristic filters. Here we develop VarNet, an end-to-end deep learning approach for identification of somatic variants from aligned tumor and matched normal DNA reads. VarNet is trained using image representations of 4.6 million high-confidence somatic variants annotated in 356 tumor whole genomes. We benchmark VarNet across a range of publicly available datasets, demonstrating performance often exceeding current state-of-the-art methods. Overall, our results demonstrate how a scalable deep learning approach could augment and potentially supplant human engineered features and heuristic filters in somatic variant calling.