cellsarts (2022-07-27 20:16):
利用内生信号肽序列进行苔藓小立碗藓细胞的快速生产和高效分泌外源的蛋白 BMC Biotechnol     . 2005 Nov 7;5:30. doi: 10.1186/1472-6750-5-30. Andreas Schaaf†3,Stefanie Tintelnot†1,Armin baur1,2, Ralf Reski1, Gilbert Gorr2和Eva L Decker*1 1Department of Plant Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg, Schaenzlestr. 1, 79104 Freiburg, Germany 摘要 背景:如何将重组蛋白高效的输送到合适的细胞器以实现高效靶向是利用植物系统进行重组蛋白生产的瓶颈之一。常用的做法是利用所要生产的外源蛋白的天然分泌信号肽(native signal peptide)。虽然分泌信号的一般特征在植物和动物之间是保守的,信号多肽之间的广泛序列变异性表明信号多肽识别效率不同。 结果:为了提高小立碗藓(Physcomitrella patens)原丝体生物反应器的分泌效率,我们定量比较了两种人类信号肽和最近分离的6种苔藓(小立碗藓)蛋白的信号肽的效率。因此,我们将不同信号融合到异源报告基因序列中瞬时转染苔藓细胞,并分别测定重组蛋白rhVEGF和GST在细胞外和细胞内的积累情况。我们的数据表明,与使用的两种人类信号肽相比,内源性苔藓信号肽的分泌效率高达五倍。 结论:从细胞外和细胞内重组蛋白的分布,我们认为信号识别粒子周期(SRP-cycle)期间的翻译抑制是人类信号细胞外积累减少的几种可能的解释中最可能的。在这项工作中,我们报告了在小立碗藓-生物反应器系统中,利用苔藓分泌信号的分泌量高于利用的重组蛋白的原有的信号肽。虽然这一效应的分子细节仍有待阐明,但我们的研究结果将有助于分子农业系统的改进。
IF:3.500Q2 BMC Biotechnology, 2005. DOI: 10.1186/1472-6750-5-30
Use of endogenous signal sequences for transient production and efficient secretion by moss (Physcomitrella patens) cells
Abstract Background Efficient targeting to appropriate cell organelles is one of the bottlenecks for the production of recombinant proteins in plant systems. A common practice is to use the native secretory signal peptide of the heterologous protein to be produced. Though general features of secretion signals are conserved between plants and animals, the broad sequence variability among signal peptides suggests differing efficiency of signal peptide recognition. Results Aiming to improve secretion in moss bioreactors, we quantitatively compared the efficiency of two human signal peptides and six signals from recently isolated moss (Physcomitrella patens) proteins. We therefore used fusions of the different signals to heterologous reporter sequences for transient transfection of moss cells and measured the extra- and intracellular accumulation of the recombinant proteins rhVEGF and GST, respectively. Our data demonstrates an up to fivefold higher secretion efficiency with endogenous moss signals compared to the two utilised human signal peptides. Conclusion From the distribution of extra- and intracellular recombinant proteins, we suggest translational inhibition during the signal recognition particle-cycle (SRP-cycle) as the most probable of several possible explanations for the decreased extracellular accumulation with the human signals. In this work, we report on the supremacy of moss secretion signals over the utilised heterologous ones within the moss-bioreactor system. Though the molecular details of this effect remain to be elucidated, our results will contribute to the improvement of molecular farming systems.