颜林林 (2022-07-24 05:55):
#paper doi:10.1186/s12864-022-08762-8 BMC Genomics, 2022, Poly(a) selection introduces bias and undue noise in direct RNA-sequencing. 全转录组测序实验中,在初始的RNA提取环节后,经常会使用poly-A筛选方法,来富集mRNA。本文使用ONT平台,开展直接RNA测序(direct RNA-sequencing),并对同一样本,平行地采取使用和不适用poly-A筛选的方法。最终结果说明,省略该环节是合适的,虽然这么做可能轻微降低文库复杂度,但它能更有效避免该筛选环节带来的其他弊端,如需要更多RNA起始量、容易倾向地筛选出具有更长poly-A尾巴的mRNA、会导致差异表达基因也受到影响而更不稳定等。
IF:3.500Q2 BMC genomics, 2022-Jul-22. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-022-08762-8 PMID: 35869428
Poly(a) selection introduces bias and undue noise in direct RNA-sequencing
BACKGROUND: Genome-wide RNA-sequencing technologies are increasingly critical to a wide variety of diagnostic and research applications. RNA-seq users often first enrich for mRNA, with the most popular enrichment method being poly(A) selection. In many applications it is well-known that poly(A) selection biases the view of the transcriptome by selecting for longer tailed mRNA species.RESULTS: Here, we show that poly(A) selection biases Oxford Nanopore direct RNA sequencing. As expected, poly(A) selection skews sequenced mRNAs toward longer poly(A) tail lengths. Interestingly, we identify a population of mRNAs (> 10% of genes' mRNAs) that are inconsistently captured by poly(A) selection due to highly variable poly(A) tails, and demonstrate this phenomenon in our hands and in published data. Importantly, we show poly(A) selection is dispensable for Oxford Nanopore's direct RNA-seq technique, and demonstrate successful library construction without poly(A) selection, with decreased input, and without loss of quality.CONCLUSIONS: Our work expands the utility of direct RNA-seq by validating the use of total RNA as input, and demonstrates important technical artifacts from poly(A) selection that inconsistently skew mRNA expression and poly(A) tail length measurements.