Ricardo (2022-01-20 18:02):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1821523116 Developmental topography of cortical thickness during infancy. 这篇文章于2019年发表在pnas上。在出生后的两年时间里,人类大脑经历了快速的动态发育,这表现在行为和认知能力上的快速发展。而绘制健康婴幼儿大脑皮层厚度的发育模式对于理解一些神经发育疾病来说有着重要价值。虽然利用磁共振成像技术研究人类大脑的发育老化规律已经有几十年的时间了,但是对于两岁以前这样非常早期的研究其实还非常少。这主要是因为婴幼儿大脑的核磁成像数据非常难以获取(需要婴幼儿保持几十分钟的相对静止)以及婴幼儿大脑磁共振图像相对于成年人来说非常难处理(所以需要开发特定的影像处理算法)。这篇文章利用了一个被称为Baby Connectome Project的脑影像数据库,并利用作者所在研究组开发的一系列图像处理算法对婴幼儿脑影像数据进行预处理。他们还利用非负矩阵分解这一经典的分析技术建模婴幼儿大脑皮层厚度的时空发育轨迹。 这篇文章主要有两个发现:1.在出生后的两年,婴幼儿大脑的平均皮层厚度先快速增加,然后大约在14个月的时候达到峰值点,之后在以缓慢的速度减少;2.作者根据皮层厚度的发育模式将婴幼儿大脑分成若干个区域,他们发现不同脑区都有不同的皮层厚度的发育特点,有的脑区在不同时间点达到皮层厚度的峰值点,有的区域则在这两年时间里保持持续的增长。
Developmental topography of cortical thickness during infancy
During the first 2 postnatal years, cortical thickness of the human brain develops dynamically and spatially heterogeneously and likely peaks between 1 and 2 y of age. The striking development renders this period critical for later cognitive outcomes and vulnerable to early neurodevelopmental disorders. However, due to the difficulties in longitudinal infant brain MRI acquisition and processing, our knowledge still remains limited on the dynamic changes, peak age, and spatial heterogeneities of cortical thickness during infancy. To fill this knowledge gap, in this study, we discover the developmental regionalization of cortical thickness, i.e., developmentally distinct regions, each of which is composed of a set of codeveloping cortical vertices, for better understanding of the spatiotemporal heterogeneities of cortical thickness development. We leverage an infant-dedicated computational pipeline, an advanced multivariate analysis method (i.e., nonnegative matrix factorization), and a densely sampled longitudinal dataset with 210 serial MRI scans from 43 healthy infants, with each infant being scheduled to have 7 longitudinal scans at around 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 mo of age. Our results suggest that, during the first 2 y, the whole-brain average cortical thickness increases rapidly and reaches a plateau at about 14 mo of age and then decreases at a slow pace thereafter. More importantly, each discovered region is structurally and functionally meaningful and exhibits a distinctive developmental pattern, with several regions peaking at varied ages while others keep increasing in the first 2 postnatal years. Our findings provide valuable references and insights for early brain development.